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1st April 2017, 18:38
Thank you sooo much shazza60 for giving me something to work on!!! me and my sister are in a race to get the last one!!!
251 of 316  -   Report This Post


1st April 2017, 18:42
Thank you so much shazza60!!! got it!!! celebrating!!! can't wait to tell my sister....thank you again!!!
252 of 316  -   Report This Post


1st April 2017, 18:54
No. 32. Spark is a bright person. Combine it with postman.

No.60. Answer is a poet Laureate. Look for statue at St. Pancras.

Can you help me with 20. People in general without exception are in the highway. (3,4)
I think the first word must be "All" but have no thoughts on the second word.
253 of 316  -   Report This Post


1st April 2017, 19:08
Dear Lisalippy!
Think of the usual crossword answer meaning Spanish and add 'chase', that makes an anagram of the first word. The second word is a word depicting someone of a certain age who receives a regular payment!!

Any help with the last I am struggling with would be appreciated!
63. Tree completely overshadows entrance to London thoroughfare (4,4 ) Sure it's really obvious but my brain can't compute!!
Also not sure of my answers for Q7 and Q71...guidance please anyone? Thanks in advance
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1st April 2017, 19:58
Dear sweetpea6,
re are correct about 'ALL ' being within the answer, you just need to think of a word to describe 'people in general' and insert ALL into it, to give a famous thoroughfare.
Hope this helps, I am not too good at giving hints that don't give the actual answer!!
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1st April 2017, 21:01
71.Book by Dickens.
7. raunchy area London. check in Chambers for mraning
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1st April 2017, 21:04
To all the quizzers out there. you need to use Chambers as setters use this a lot. not always on google or in other dictionaries.
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2nd April 2017, 09:41
With regards to question 60 about the bronzed linesman I think I may have a different answer to others. I got a name of a station beginning with the letter W and the second word a name of a hat. This station is also on a line that is orange in colour?
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2nd April 2017, 09:43
Shazza60 I googled Dicken's books but nothing fitted with the letters. Is it part of a title of a book?
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2nd April 2017, 10:25
look at Bronzed ( lines man is a writer)
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