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25th May 2017, 07:13
Question 59. Centre where pub and cabin were rebuilt.
Help please! This is my last one and it’s driving me mad! I haven’t seen anyone ask for help with this so it must be easy - and that makes it even more frustrating! Thanks.
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25th May 2017, 07:14
Question 59. Centre where pub and cabin were rebuilt.
Help please! This is my last one and it’s driving me mad! I haven’t seen anyone ask for help with this so it must be easy - and that makes it even more frustrating! Thanks.
312 of 316  -   Report This Post


25th May 2017, 08:22
Pub is Bar, then anagram cabin
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25th May 2017, 09:16
Thanks so much! I knew it had to be simple!!
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29th May 2017, 19:26
I finally worked it out, just in time! Hooray, my last one.
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31st May 2017, 23:29
(Now the contest is closing, I don't need to avoid giving away the answers.)
Harking back to a problem that many had with Q96 -
although the original British edition of Monopoly was based on London, when they decided to produce boards for other cities, there was one called the 'London Edition'. For some reason which I've not discovered, some of the properties were changed - in particular, the space originally assigned to Strand became Whitehall.
So it appears that Marion and Neville have this version - fortunately it doesn't appear that any other clues are affected (the Old Kent Road is still just after the start), but I wonder whether anyone submitting 'the Strand' should be given credit.
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