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17th April 2017, 17:54
Look at posts 7 and 8 on this thread

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17th April 2017, 18:22
Thumper, I just put Rainbow Quiz in the Search box and the thread started by Arty came up. The big 'hint' is near the beginning of the thread.

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17th April 2017, 18:43
Thank you all. I didnt realise there were several threads on the same quiz.
I'm happy now.
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17th April 2017, 19:52
can someone give me a hint please for question 45; I have tried anagrams but nothing has come up or is it a word within the word tunnel

I know there has been clues for number 5 with the first three words for an anagram but another clue would be useful as I have tried but nothing as come up or if allowed the anagram search engine that people use; using two, thanks
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17th April 2017, 19:57

30: A district in London, the first three words means disreputable house then the other part is anagram with two other words

56: anagram the first four words then google

57: think of a famous hotel named after a vegetable the read the history of it with a cat

73: compass point plus a famous Kirsty

Hope this helps
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17th April 2017, 21:07
I have now done 45
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18th April 2017, 08:27
Have given the clue think of a famous bear for the first word but if you anagram the first 3 words, which gives a person's name, and google it you should also get the answer.
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18th April 2017, 13:33
First post from Cherry. I have lived for a long time in Australia and am not up to date with modern London but have managed all the quiz except Q18( which nobody else seems to have a problem with). Any hints please and does it begin with S?"Which part of London flourishes-northern town as well"
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18th April 2017, 13:38
Hi Cherry - it begins with a B and is constructed from 2 parts. The second part is another word for Inter
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18th April 2017, 20:09
Thank you. Definitely got it. Had the name but couldn't find the connection until I googled both together
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