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1st April 2017, 14:51
Doctor means to 'doctor' thrashed. which gives you the building. your answer is right
231 of 316  -   Report This Post


1st April 2017, 14:53
Betty. Oh dear re no.17. We both still have to solvent! Re 16, my answer and I emphasise MY as I often have weird answers... is a wealthy person is .... (4), + 2 letter abbreviation for doctor = US state capital. Not very good at describing things but could help you?
232 of 316  -   Report This Post


1st April 2017, 15:00
Think I need to lie down in a darkened room. Is the answer the designer of the building or is it the ..... (part of thrashed) hotel??? If it's neither of these, I give up!!!
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1st April 2017, 15:01
Don't give up, there's about 59 days to go!
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1st April 2017, 15:09
Ha ha Malone! No i dont intend to give up but its very frustrating when you are almost there but not quite!
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1st April 2017, 15:21
Its the designer
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1st April 2017, 15:24
Thank you Shazza60. Not going to query any of my other answers. What will be will be!
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1st April 2017, 15:35
Check capital states of America
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1st April 2017, 15:39

Re 17. I know the designers name but if that is the answer how can it be a place or building in London - which is what I thought we were looking for?

Re 16. I did check American state capitals and found one beginning with Rich .... Have I got this right?
239 of 316  -   Report This Post


1st April 2017, 16:34
Most BUT NOT ALL of the answers are place names or include a place name in part of them but the answer I have for 17 (and some others) is a name.

I myself am stuck on both 32 and 60 and although I have looked at the hints already given (i.e google postman for 17 and royal observatory for 60) I'm afraid I haven got anywhere as yet but intend to keep trying!
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