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31st March 2017, 17:01
Thanks Jimm89. I did what you said for No 3 and it's "clear as crystal" now.
No 90 too- 1st word N and 2nd C
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31st March 2017, 17:02
I agree with that :)
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31st March 2017, 17:06
Thank you also betty for your help.
No 40 - 1st word is a spring yellow flower prolific on banks in the countryside. Second word should come easily then.
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31st March 2017, 18:38
Jennifer. Thanks. Got this one now. Only 3 more to solve.
Nos. 16, 17, 20.

If you can help on any of them
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31st March 2017, 21:13
Hi Jennifer re Q40 I don't have a spring flower as the first word I have a word starting with P and ending with T which I think covers the part of the clue ''gives a point of view' Any thoughts?
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1st April 2017, 08:24
Hi Winnie. Re 40 The 2nd, 3rd & 4th letters of the spring flower give the edge. 1st letter and remaining 4 give the straightforward language and the 2nd word is where the view is from.
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1st April 2017, 10:21
Re no.17 I am still not convinced my answer is correct. I have made a five letter word out of some of the letters in 'thrashed' for the first word .... a glass building and therefore my second word is the type of building it is BUT if I have the correct building I thought it was called .../..... i.e. 3 & 5 letters. ???
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1st April 2017, 11:21
Sounds like you haven't quite got there. The building is the right one but there's more to the clue than that. It's such a beautiful clue I'm loathe to spoil it further. All I'll say is use the whole clue and you may also need to do a little research.
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1st April 2017, 14:22
Betty have you managed to solve no. 17 yet? Jimm89 has given me a clue. Apparently I have the correct building (glass one!) but I have to use the whole clue and need to do a little research. Now have done some research re who designed this building (R.... P....) and also a certain doctor who flies around in a police box had something to do with this but I am still not there. Any ideas?
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1st April 2017, 14:42
Sorry, but I've got exactly as far as you.
I'm sure the "but doctor" at the beginning of the clue must mean something and also "smashed the designer".
But I've got the same designer and the same doctor.
So like you I'm getting nowhere.

Unfortunately I haven't managed to solve No.16 yet - which may have a link to this clue.

Any more help from anyone on clue 17 would be welcome.
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