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31st March 2017, 12:31
Thank you Haeremai18. Re No3 the market I have starts with S and ends with D.
I've been looking at the other 2 (Qs 2 & 90) but still no further forward. Re 2 do you mean US as short form for an American. Re 90 is it Nelson one of the plinth occupiers.
Driving Me and a neighbour nuts!!!
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31st March 2017, 12:33
Meant to add that no-one else seems to have had a problem with the above Qs.
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31st March 2017, 12:36
Hi Jennifer - no 3 that's not the right market which is why you're not parsing it :)

No 2 that is correct. It's actually not an anagram

No 90 I'm not sure what you mean by plinth occupiers but you seem to be on the right lines
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31st March 2017, 12:46
Jennifer. Re no.2 the answer I have is US plus a name of a school/college in London near Windsor I believe. Then I put the letters together and came up with my answer.
Re. No 3 my answer begins with B and ends in E.
Re no.90 I have the same as you.
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31st March 2017, 12:48
You are correct. Although 2 is not an anagram. Just put one inside the other (as the clue says)
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31st March 2017, 13:29
Thanks Haeremai18 and Jimm89. No 2 now sorted. I was looking for a London college such as LSE.
No 3 also sorted but having trouble parsing!!
No 90 First word begins with A or H? Not sure how the body of troops is held together in the answer!
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31st March 2017, 15:12
Jennifer, re No. 90. First word begins with N. Second word holds body of troops together.

Please can you help me with No. 40. Straightforward language about a border by a mound gives a point of view. (8,4)
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lady bee

31st March 2017, 16:33
Google view points in London
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31st March 2017, 16:38
Number 3 - search for " + definition"
Number 90 - you've interpreted the word 'hold' incorrectly in the context of the clue - it does not mean "contains" in this case
Number 40 - difficult to give a clue here - it's a relatively simple parse. Point of view in the literal sense is the best I can offer without spelling it out
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31st March 2017, 16:39
Sorry in my below post it should say search for 'your answer + definition' - seems my use of brackets caused problems
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