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31st March 2017, 08:29
Could I have a clue for 2,3, and 90. Have an answer for 3 as a market but doubtful.
201 of 316  -   Report This Post


31st March 2017, 09:45
Hi all. Re number 96, I believe the answer begins with a 'w'. However, the only version I can find that supports this is called "pub crawl" - is this really (do we think) what the setter had in mine?
202 of 316  -   Report This Post


31st March 2017, 09:48
Jennifer. Here's my help, for what it is worth, for the numbers you ask for.
2. Think of an English college in London combined with the short form (2 letters) for an American. Anagram them and that should be your answer.
3. Yes I have a market
90. Clue: Trafalgar Square
Hope this helps.
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31st March 2017, 09:49
Jimm89. My answer for 96 also begins with a W.
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31st March 2017, 09:51
Quiz time. I don't think Shazza60 means he wants to win a prize rather just would like to see if he has all the answers correct whether with help or not. Those are certainly my sentiments. What do you sayShazza60?
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31st March 2017, 10:48
Thanks haeremai18 - do you agree though that it's a bit odd? I'm inclined to agree with others earlier on the thread that the 'real' answer would be (6) not (9)
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31st March 2017, 10:53
Hi jimm89. Think we were told to look at the London version of the game which is why I put the 9 letter word beginning with W but who knows!!!
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31st March 2017, 11:20
Yes but the standard London version has, in that precise position, a word with six letters not nine. The only version I have found with the 'w' word is a monopoly pub crawl!
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31st March 2017, 12:14
Update: if you google the board, the first result is a daily mail article on what the board would look like now (or rather, as of the 2011 article) if the squares were rearranged according to current property value. I believe the setter has mistakenly used this board as the real board. No version of the game actually has "w--------" in that square
209 of 316  -   Report This Post


31st March 2017, 12:31
My family have been doing this quiz for over 16 years, we have sent the quiz off without all the answers in the past. Last quiz I got 99 and half ( spelling mistake) I don't care if I win, just like to know we got all the answers, As before I support GOSH through my job. It will be nice to know if anyone in this Forum wins and lets us all know. Thanks Haeremai18.
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