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29th August 2016, 16:37
Hi Rusty!

Hope you are OK.

Have you seen the (small) up-date on the ospreys blog? It sounds as though they are expecting the young male to start his journey within the next few days - but they also say that he keeps on 'attempting' to dive for a fish! Surely if he can't fish to feed himself, he won't survive the long trip?

Also had a look at La Vuelta map; It mostly concentrates on the Northern border, apart from 3/4 days on East Coast and finish in Madrid. I was hoping to see more of Spain than this. Is it the same every year?
9451 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th August 2016, 16:44
Good afternoon, Pigale!
His sisters and mother have gone, and he should be next!
The survival rate for the young chicks is roughly 50%.
So, yes, he had better sharpen his ideas up!
In recent years La Vuelta has stayed in Northern Spain.
Purely for financial reasons.
The towns in the South etc can not afford the costs of staging a start or finish.
It is a pity, but La Vuelta is the poor relation of il Giro and Le Tour.
9452 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th August 2016, 18:06
Good afternoon, Rusty!
We are now back home again!
Yes, Danson Park is a beautiful place, isn't it?
And only a short drive from my daughter's home.
Plenty of running about?
Of course I did! We took tennis racquets and a ball - and BB and I "played"!
He is left -handed though and it was strange showing him the correct grips "in reverse".
Baby is doing all but crawl now - he can move his back half, but hasn't grasped yet that he has to move his arms forward in order to progress!
We shall have to "rename" him soon, as he is no longer really a "baby"!
(as you did Miss L-Plate, when she passed her driving test and became Miss La Bamba!)
Danson Park does have a couple (?) of nice restaurants within its grounds - a Carvery, and a Pub-restaurant in the converted 18th-century stables.
I have been to the latter on a previous occasion - very swish!
But today, we "picnicked"!
(We had the dog with us!)
A lovely day out!!
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29th August 2016, 18:35
Good evening, Elle!
A fine day had by all.
Well done!
Kyle Edmunds has beaten Richard Gasquet in the US Open.
He won well, but sartorially he was a disaster.
A hideous yellowy shirt and shorts he wore.
He would scare crows!
I do not know when your Andy is playing.
9454 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th August 2016, 18:58
Hi, Rusty!
That is good news about Kyle Edmunds beating Richard Gasquet, who, after all, is a good steady player.
Kyle Edmunds showed good promise at Wimbledon!
"Sartorial elegance" is a phrase I always associate with Roger Federer!
Roger did a lot of "modelling" at one stage, didn't he?
I remember seeing him in adverts for clothes and sport equipment etc.
I like Roger! he is a gentleman!
We won't mention the one whom I merely "tolerate"........!
I don't think we can justify the expense of having Eurosport, Rusty.
I only watch tennis and athletics.
My husband only watches the occasional football match.
Neither of us views enough sport to warrant paying for a special Sports channel.
And no, we cannot get Eurosport on Freeview!
(And Freeview is, of course, "free"!)
9455 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th August 2016, 19:23
Hello, Elle!
Yes, you are right about the expense of additional channels.
I can not do links, but I have just seen exceptional examples of sportsmanship from young boys.
It was the final of a football tournament, a young Barcelona team playing Japanese boys. Maybe around 11 or 12 years.
Barca won, and celebrated,
The Japanese boys were distraught. Sobbing their hearts out.
The young Barca boys went over and were hugging the Japanese lads.
Comforting them.
it was uplifting to see such sportsmanship in such young lads.
Made my day.
Bravo, Barca boys!
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29th August 2016, 20:55
Hi, Rusty!
It is always nice to see good sportsmanship - and generosity between players and competitors.
Would that there were more of that sort of spirit!
And not just in sport...but in life in general.
I have just watched a recording of tonight's earlier "Make Me an Egghead"
(the leading challenger's name has disappeared from the Leader board yet again!)
There was a multiple choice question about cycling.......
"At the Tour de France, what colour jersey was worn by the King of the Mountain rider?"
Green; white; or polka dot.
And I knew! You should be proud of me!
I have nearly finished my Jeffrey Archer novel... it is hard to put it down....a cup of coffee....and back to it!
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29th August 2016, 21:10
Hello, Elle!
Nadal is winning.
Yes, these were great wee boys.
There parents should be very proud of them.
I think I would have got the Tour de France question answer correct, too.
But, well done, anyway!
The Tour of Britain starts on Saturday, I think. From Glasgow.
On ITV4.
Seems to be very warm tonight.
9458 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th August 2016, 22:01
HI, Rusty!
Who is Nadal playing?
Of course you would have got the Tour de France question right, but for me to do so is quite another matter!
I think I did well!
I think the Tour of Britain should be interesting!
There s such a lot of Great Britain that I have never visited!
I shall try to watch this for the scenery and the history, if I get the chance.
If it is on ITV4, I do have that!
BB was showing me all his new school uniform - he is so excited about starting primary school soon!
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29th August 2016, 22:18
Hello, Elle!
I can not mind who Nadal played.
But, I barely recognised Nadal.
He seems to have lost a lot of weight.
I do not know the route of the Tour.
But it is Glasgow-Castle Douglas on opening day.
The last day will be London, I'd imagine.
It should be competitive enough, but there will be a scarcity of top riders.
BB is going to school?
Our schools have been back for a wee while.

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