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6th February 2016, 21:26
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, daughter and I have spoken!
According to the "growth expert", from now on , the baby will gain about 1/2 lb per week, which, as he /she is now 6lb 3 oz, would make him/her around 9lbs @ 40 weeks!
So, a goodly size, but not too excessive, by the time baby is born.
At least it now looks as though the birth will be able to proceed naturally.
That is great news!

So you may be buying an ipad? Will you take a granddaughter or two with you when going to purchase it?
I'm afraid my knowledge of such is zilch!
Dare I show the extent of my ignorance by asking what is the difference between an ipad and an android tablet like the Hudl?

I would say that is very definitely encouraging news! the programme set out for her sounds to be a most serious project, first Haydock, then possibly/ probably followed by more races at Ludlow.
She sounds to be in with a good chance to compete at Cheltenham.
So long as she puts up a good show in the Foxhunters and gets round the course one at this stage could ask more of her? (and you never know.......wonders do happen.......)
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6th February 2016, 22:19
Hello, Elle!
All going well with Mum and Baby it seems!
Great news indeed!
I do not think Hudls and iPads are strictly comparable.
One is a cheap basic thing compared to a thing built to last.
The iPads my young ones have are several years old and they love them. They are encouraging me!
Now , I have a bit of info about the Foxhunters.
Last years winner, On the Fringe, ran today at Leopardstown, and was unplaced. His usual rider is Nina Carberry ,but she called off this morning, and trainer Enda Bolger gave the mount to JJ Codd. They seem pleased enough and the horse will come on for the run. He is a warm favourite for the Foxhunters and I imagine Nina will be back on board then.
Leopardstown has nothing to do with leopards.
Centuries ago there was a lepers hospital there.
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7th February 2016, 09:28
Good morning, Rusty!
We have the most beautiful day here! bright blue sky and glorious sunshine! but definitely feeling much colder!
It is good to be out!
That was interesting to hear about Leopardstown and the Foxhunters - I shall follow "On the Fringe" with Nina Carberry, and, of course, Victoria, with interest, when the time comes......
Now have you heard about Jess Ennis -Hill?
I read that following another problem with her right Achilles, she will miss the entire Athletic Indoor season.
I wonder how this will affect her chances in the Olympics?
Such a shame.......
How is Lindsey doing today?
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7th February 2016, 09:52
Good day,to you, Elle!
Fine weather up here, too!
Colder, though!
A pity for Jess, but sensible.
I like her, and the younger girl. Katarina?
I hope things are thoroughly checked out before they go, with the Pika thing. I am not convinced Rio is the healthiest place to hold the Games.
Nina and sister-in-law Katie Walsh are two favourites of mine.
Katie almost won the Grand National on Sea Bass.
The Super G has not started yet.
I think the first one leaves the gate at 10 o'clock or soon after, course and weather conditions will dictate exactly when.
It shall be exciting!
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7th February 2016, 11:35
Hi, Rusty!
I'm not thinking straight this morning....I hadn't even considered the effect of the Zika virus when I mentioned Jess and the Olympic Games.
The president of the Olympic committee seems to be of the opinion that the Games will still go ahead, but I have read that some countries - Australia in particular (although they haven't had many competitors of late?) - have been advising that female athletes should seriously consider not going to Rio.
Should would - be female spectators also not travel to Rio, then ?
There will be a lot of talks, I am sure.......
An Indian company says that it has developed two vaccines against the Zika virus...........?
How is Lindsey doing?
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7th February 2016, 11:54
Hello, Elle!
I am wrong again.
Zika, as you correctly say.
I agree with Australia, though I did not know their position on this.
We have many young women destined for the Games.
Could their health and future children be at risk?
Do not, whatever you do, believe a word from Olympic or International sports bodies. They are corrupt. Full stop.
Their sole interest is making money, not the well being of athletes or spectators heading to the Games.
They have allowed and covered up drug cheating, for money, for years. If there is a risk to women, cancel the Games.
They are unimportant compared to the future health of the women going to the Games.
Result from Super G!
1 Lara Gut
2 Viktoria Rebensburg
3 Lindsey Vonn
Great event.
The Battle of the Blondes continues!
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7th February 2016, 12:44
Hi, Rusty!
There is time yet.....the stance to be taken on Zika virus and the Games may be clarified when more is known about the virus......
I agree that the organisers / committees of such events are primarily focused on money-making, but think perhaps you are being too harsh in saying that this is all they think about?...they surely must have some concerns for the well-being of the athletes?
Or am I being naive here ?
So Lindsey came third in the Super G? Did you have a further bet today on Lara? if so, you will have made some money then!
(You appear to have a penchant for blondes!)
We are off out shortly before the former beautiful day completely disappears.... it is beginning to cloud over.......
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7th February 2016, 13:47
Hello, Elle!
"The Battle of the Blondes" is a press concoction to describe the competition between Gut and Vonn.
Not an original of mine!
Tina and Viktoria are not blondes and I like them just as much!
I may be a wee bit harsh but governing bodies in many sports are corrupt. Football, Cycling, Athletics, etc.
They talk a good game but can't stand up to scrutiny.
The Olympic organisation will not be putting the well being of athletes at the top of the list, that's for sure!
Elle, as an athletics fan you will know that the 2021 World Athletics Championships will take place in Eugene, Oregon.
The IAAF "bypassed" the usual bidding procedures and awarded the Games to Eugene.
Many European cities bids were discounted.
So...why was Eugene awarded the Games?
Is it merely a coincidence that Nike started out in Eugene, and has its headquarters in nearby Portland?
No, for me, the Eugene award stinks.
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7th February 2016, 15:36
Hi, Rusty!
Our walk was not very well timed! The sun soon disappeared and first we were rained upon, then hit by a hailstorm! Literally "hit! - it was quite painful! I have never seen so many hailstones come down!!
Fortunately, it was of short duration and we were able to continue our walk "unmolested" by the hail! although we were quite wet by that time!
Regarding the World Championships of 2021, I am ashamed to say that I was unaware of the choice of venue for this.
So the Championships are to be held in Eugene, Oregon?
Was there a reason given why the other cities' bids were discounted?
I didn't even know that Nike originated in Eugene. You think that there are "wheels within wheels" responsible for this decision?
You may well be right.... I don't know enough even to hazard a guess as to motive.
I don't like to think though that there may be corruption and ulterior motives within one of my favourite sports!
I guess that is down to naivety again?
5989 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th February 2016, 16:20
The French Ministry of Justice are conducting an investigation into the awarding of the Championships to Eugene.
Gothenburg's bid was not looked at.
Something similar happened when the 2007 Championships were awarded to Osaka.
Why are senior officials in the IAAF on Nike's payroll?
They say, as advisors. I say, tommy rot.
Having said that, Eugene is a running-mad city, they claim to have invented jogging there! But don't jog in Reebok trainers.
Nike or nothing!
And USA has never held the World Championships.
Eugene would be a fine choice, if it was awarded the Championships in a fair manner.
Victoria pulled her horse up. He was unhappy and was found to have damaged a plate(shoe). More experience though.
Wonder why we say "tommy" rot?
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