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5th February 2016, 17:44
When Columbus proposed to sail west to India, learned people were against the idea - not because they thought that he would sail off the edge of the world, but because they had a pretty good idea how big the world was, and so knew that India was far too far away going westward!
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5th February 2016, 19:49
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, I cannot stay awake!
You would think, would you not, that having overslept this morning, I would be full of energy now.....?
Not so, last I remember, it was well over an hour ago.....oh dear!
Yes, regarding the Americas, I have dim memories of Christopher Columbus being someplace other than he thought!
Our younger daughter is having an "extra" ( one she cannot get on the NHS and has to pay for) scan tomorrow to ascertain the size of the baby......... she still has several weeks to go before the birth, which is estimated as mid- March.
The doctor and midwife are saying that the baby looks to be very large.
There is a possibility that if he/ she should be estimated as being especially big by the "due" date , then an inducement might be a good idea.
Hence the scan........
Hopefully , we will all know more by tomorrow afternoon.
Ain't modern technology wonderful?
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5th February 2016, 20:16
Hello, Elle!
Your body clock may be on the blink with your long lie, if I may speak in a technical fashion.
Columbus was overrated, surely.
Quite a few Europeans stumbled across America before he got there.
Are you going with your daughter to hospital?
If that is where the scan takes place?
I did not know about extra scans?
In my humble opinion Elle, modern technology is akin to witchcraft!
The info contained in a simple barcode for example.
Speaking about babies, two of the ASDA girls have been in to the store with their baby girls. Born within 24 hours of each other. Think they are ten days old.
I think it is great!
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5th February 2016, 21:17
Hey, Rusty!
Well, I'm still awake!
No, I shan't be going with my daughter to the scan. As it is taking place on a Saturday, her husband will be able to go with her. It is only on weekdays that he cannot accompany her ( as with the schools' Open Days) because, as a teacher, he cannot leave his class.
This scan will be carried out at a private clinic near where she lives - not at the local hospital.
We are all hoping that the baby will be smaller than anticipated!
Her sister's second baby was big.....11 lb 3 oz! that is definitely on the large size!
This week seems to have zoomed by.... incredible that it is already Saturday tomorrow!
And only another ten days before elder daughter and the two eldest grandsons arrive to stay for half term!
(I'd better get all my extra sleep in now, whilst I can!)
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5th February 2016, 21:29
Hello, Elle!
Maybe you should have an early night?
How long is half term holiday?
Yes, Saturday tomorrow.
My favourite day!
I shall watch the downhill from Garmisch-Partenkirchen!
Lindsey Vonn is odds on to win, so I shall have a wee pecuniary interest in someone else. Not sure who though.
Maybe Tina Weirather on the grounds that she has the brightest smile? So does Lindsey, though.
Not easy trying to make a profit!
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5th February 2016, 22:26
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I think you are right - an early night sounds, for once, like a good idea! Usually, if I go to bed this side of midnight I am awake by about 4am! but somehow tonight I think I shall sleep well! (and I shall be sure to set the alarm!)
Half term holiday is only a week - I think the family plan to come on Tuesday morning and go home again on Saturday evening or Sunday morning.
Fingers crossed for good weather.........or fine at least!
The trouble with your backing someone other than Lindsey to win, is that I feel that your heart/ instinct / whatever you choose to call it will still lie with Lindsey? You seem to have a preference for her?
But a small wager on another competitor may well may bring you in a profit? Even if your criteria is the brightest smile!
I don't think there is any sport that I shall like to watch, this week?
It was a treat to have the Australian Open last Saturday!
Right, a hot drink, than bed...........
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5th February 2016, 22:59
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I like Lindsey the best.
She is the best downhiller (probably ever) and comes across as a very nice person.
She was treated poorly by Tiger Woods (who I have never liked), and that is a factor too.
But the others are very good, too, and all with great smiles!
And they all seem to be great friends. I like that in sport.
And I hope they all get down the mountain safely tomorrow!
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6th February 2016, 09:23
Good morning, Rusty!
Dreich here! I think this is to be the pattern for the entire day.
I hope your weather is better?
I expect you have already been out for your paper and are back now in readiness to watch the skiing.
On whom have you decided to place a bet?
Do you remember my telling you that my Hotpoint tumbler dryer had been recalled for modification, owing to a fault that was causing various models of Indesit, Hotpoint and Creda machines suddenly to catch fire?
Did you see on the News yesterday where an Indesit tumbler dryer had caught alight - it showed the burnt out wreck? What a mess - luckily someone was in attendance at the time and able to control the fire before the entire kitchen went up in flames.
I am extremely thankful that my machine was duly "modified" a few weeks ago!
(The engineer that came said they were inundated with said "repairs"!)
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6th February 2016, 10:49
Good morning, Elle!
Bit dreich here, too. on her!
Poor Lara Gut has my money on her!
Conditions are super fast.
Four started so far, only one has finished.
I did not know about the fire in the Indesit.
Victoria P is competing in a point to point at Wadebridge in Cornwall tomorrow.
Now back to the downhill!
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6th February 2016, 11:13
Good Morning !

Rusty, there is also some Rugby to watch - first day of the Six Nations: Scotland - England and before that Italy-France

I think Scotland-England kicks off at 5pm your time.
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