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6th February 2016, 11:15
PS - France-Italy and starts at 2.30 GMT
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6th February 2016, 12:02
Hello, Pigale!
I am not a fan of rugby, Pigale, and will not be watching it.
It is not a sport that appeals to me.
I support my local football teams.
The racing from Leopardstown and the Irish Gold Cup will have my attention today.
Hope things are well with you, and good luck to France playing Italy!

Elle, Lindsey Vonn won again!
She is incredible!
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6th February 2016, 12:08
Rusty, you are wasting your money betting on any one else other than Lindsey!
- even though it is only an outside chance that someone else might win! (do I have the correct terminology?)
How did Lara do?
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6th February 2016, 12:45
Hi, Rusty!
How many point- to- points will that make altogether for Victoria after tomorrow's race?
Doesn't she have to reach a set total before Cheltenham?
( or have I got that wrong?)
We are just going out now with the dog....back shortly....enjoy the horse racing!
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6th February 2016, 13:04
Hello, Elle!
You could be right about Lindsey.
I shall oppose her tomorrow in the Super G. She is less dominant in that.
Lara almost crashed out.
She lost control on one of the turns but managed to stay upright, but lost time.
I do not know what Victoria has to do before Cheltenham.
Gaining a license is not something I know about.
I just hope she gets there!
Difficult to find out info on the point to point racing.
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6th February 2016, 15:20
Hi, Rusty!
Whew! that was a boisterous walk! The rain ceased, probably because a very vicious wind got up! I was nearly blown off my feet!
We are glad to be home again!
I don't know how I came to think that Victoria had to take part in a certain number of point- to -points before she could compete at Cheltenham? - because if you didn't tell me that ( and it doesn't sound as though you did?) then goodness knows from whence I got it, as I don't know any one else who is into horse racing!
(Unless maybe I read it somewhere?)
Now I am not sure what exactly is the Super-G?
Is this not the same as the Giant Slalom - that you say Lindsey is not as expert in that? Is one related specifically to speed rather than technical expertise?

No word from daughter as yet........maybe she still isn't home.......
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6th February 2016, 16:08
Hello, Elle!
Nothing like a brisk walk!
The Super G is like a hybrid of downhill and giant slalom.
They use the downhill course but start a bit lower down the mountain and add more gates so there are more twists and turns.
Lindsey is favourite to win, but if it was giant slalom, Gut and Rebensburg and Tina W would have a fair chance of toppling Vonn.
In downhill and Super G, she is pretty much in a class of her own.
I am not at all sure where Victoria qualifying came from.
I do know they are trying to give her as much point to pointing as possible before she faces the big Cheltenham fences.
Hope she does well tomorrow.
Maybe your daughter has gone shopping after the scan.
I am sure she shall telephone you soon!
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6th February 2016, 18:28
Hi, Rusty!
So probably another victory for Lindsey tomorrow?
You will have a busy day....watching the skiing and Victoria's point-to point as well? that is, if both are televised?
The news from the scan is good - the baby is estimated at 6lb 3 oz at the moment, so definitely larger than average, but ( apparently) not excessively large thankfully.
Our daughter has sent an email together with pictures of the scan, but doesn't state the assumed weight by the due date - so I shall have to ask her that when I speak to her.
Maybe later this evening or tomorrow morning.
I have just been looking at the pictures of the baby ........ I thought that in this day and age the baby came out holding an ipad in one hand, and a scooter in the other?.........but cannot see signs of either appliance in the picture!!!!!
"The Voice" is on later!
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6th February 2016, 20:19
Hello, Elle!
I think Lindsey will win if she stays on course, yes.
Her race is in the morning and I shall watch it, but Victoria will have to manage without my support as point to points are not televised.
That is a fine size of baby!
Have you spoken to your daughter this night?
No iPad for baby?
I think I may be getting one.
Getting advice from the young ones a wee while ago.
My shopping list is growing!

5979 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th February 2016, 20:54
Been trying to find out a bit about Victoria.
Paul Nicholls, who trains her horse, Pacha du Polder, said yesterday, that "her improvement has been phenomenal" since Autumn, and he is looking at a race at Haydock two weeks today for her racecourse proper debut, possibly followed by races at Ludlow. They are big fences at Haydock, so a proper test for her.
Paul thought to begin with she had no hope of getting to Cheltenham, but is far more confident now.
"Nobody is saying she is going to win the Foxhunters, but she will let nobody down", he said.
I think that is encouraging, Elle?
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