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3rd February 2016, 21:18
Hello, Elle!
That is very good of World of Books.
That is what I would expect from a reputable company like them. Unlike whoever owns Chambers!

My Hudl "freezes" at times and I find it annoying.
I have spent quite some time resetting it on several occasions, and as far as I am concerned, the ball is on the slates.
Next blip, I am going to shop with one or more young ones to see what we can find.
Are you "lunching" tomorrow.
I am going to cemetery then Screwfix, then to an excellent baker shop I know!
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3rd February 2016, 22:03
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I am pleased with W of B's reaction! I am to allow 5 to 10 days for delivery. Fair enough!
Maybe you should take your Hudl to Tesco first? See what they have to say before giving up on it completely?
I wonder if this "freezing" effect is similar to my "blip" when it tells me I have a "Service error"?
Yes, I am going out for lunch tomorrow........not sure where as yet?
I have eaten very healthily today, so can afford to be a bit "wicked" tomorrow!
Do you take a bunch of flowers, or perhaps a plant, to the cemetery? We usually take plants to the Crematorium as they last longer.
What are you after at Screwfix?
I won't ask what illicit offerings you plan to buy from the bakers.........
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3rd February 2016, 22:20
Hello, Elle!
No, Tesco always suggest a factory reset.
I have done that several times and it is a lot of hassle getting it running again.
My last effort may be to try another launcher to see if that may help, though I doubt it.
I take flowers to cemetery and am getting a torch at Screwfix.
Lots of goodies at the bakery!
It is open 24 hours a day and goes like a fair.
A veritable goldmine!
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4th February 2016, 10:05
Good morning, Rusty!
Today started off wet here .........but has since improved to allow the sun to struggle through. Very cold though!
I had a good walk, albeit returning home with a filthy dog!
A neighbour has just dropped off her goldfish for us to look after.......she is going to Australia for a couple of months, because her brother is ill.
(I hope the goldfish survives her absence - her last one entrusted to me died on me!)

Have you been on your errands yet? I expect the cemetery will be muddy, after all the snow and rain that you have had.
Enjoy your cream cakes/ pastries/ whatever from the bakery! Are the girls coming to share them with you?
I am just awaiting my friend's arrival - she wishes to go shopping before lunch.
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4th February 2016, 11:41
Good morning, Elle!
Fine cold day up here and the cemetery was boggy.
My car was overheating but I think it was an airlock and it appears OK now.
Apart from apple squares it is meat pies and mince rolls I purchase at the bakery. The quality is excellent.
Off to do the skip run now, I have junk to dump!
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4th February 2016, 16:13
Good afternoon, Rusty!
It sounds as though you are having a good clear out in readiness for your "new look" bedrooms!
Have you still got your neighbour's Wendy House in your spare room? Won't that be in the way when your painter comes to decorate?
I had a book arrive from Amazon this morning..............this is a new book by Kathy Reichs that has just recently been published.
Kathy Reichs writes about a forensic anthropologist who solves crimes. I enjoy the genre very much as the story line is also informative as well as being a "good read" detective story.
Entertaining, and I learn something new as well!
I had a very enjoyable lunch. Homemade bruscetta on ciabatta, followed by Cod Mornay , with broccoli, cauliflower and new potatoes.
The "chat" was good, too!
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4th February 2016, 16:51
Hi elle
I noticed that you gave a hint on quizmad's thread. He (she?) has a reputation for asking for assistance on prize quizzes (long before deadlines), so some of us (mamya, for instance) tend to ignore these.

No criticism intended!
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4th February 2016, 16:57
btw Italian pronunciation (and hence spelling) is precise but confusing. The bread you refer to is spelled "bruschetta"; however "ch" in Italian is always hard, so it is pronounced "brusketta", not "brushetta" as you might expect.

There's an Italian restaurant near where I play golf that calls itself "Checco's". I've never asked, but I bet they are actually called "Cecco", pronounced (in English spelling) "Checko"; the way they have spelled it would be pronounced (in Italian) "Kecko's", but I expect they were fed up with being called "Secko's"!

Sorry if I seem to have been critical twice in a row - neither was intended as such!
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4th February 2016, 17:11
Hi, Chris!
Firstly..... not much I can do now about the hint I gave re the quiz clue....... I can hardly take it back........I thought it was very easy anyway....certainly not worth a lot of thought.
I will endeavour to remember not to give any more "hints" for quizzes, though, if that is the preferred course of action.

Secondly, I do not know any Italian.... I wrote the word as it was spelt on the restaurant menu!!! I had no call to think it incorrect!
(It tasted good, however spelt!)
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4th February 2016, 17:22
No intention of asking you to take it back - just a "heads up" (awful expression!)

As I said, Italian pronunciation is very logical, although not the same as English in many places. If I come across a long word that I don't know in English, I pronounce it in Italian.

It's essentially my only foreign language. I've forgotten most of my schoolboy French, and never learnt any others at school. However we have been to Italy for at least a week in nearly all of the last twenty years, so we thought it worthwhile to learn enough to get by. Of course it is self-reinforcing; we go to Italy as we can speak the language there!
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