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9th February 2016, 09:11
Good morning, Elle!
I am disagreeing with you, not arguing.
Have a pancake and forget about it.
Fine day up here.
We seem to have missed Imogen.
Have you any damage, locally?
"Well, I'll be blowed!". Where does that come from?
Should it not be " blown"?
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9th February 2016, 10:24
Good morning, Rusty!
Of course, it's Pancake day!
I love pancakes - nice tarty lemon ones!
I think Imogen hit the South-West more than she did us.
No, we haven't had much damage locally. A few branches down off trees - both in our garden and at the park.
Plus one or two more unfortunate dog walkers reported this morning that slates/ tiles were missing from the roofs of their houses.
We were lucky!
Dreich here though.
Awaiting a couple of deliveries from Amazon......
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9th February 2016, 10:33
Good Morning everyone,

Imogen has decided to visit France - Just taken the kitten to the Vet, a friend kindly drove me there - It's almost gale force, with rain, hail and thunder all mixed up! I dare say a few old trees will see their life come to an abrupt end.

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9th February 2016, 11:03
Hello, Elle!
Where would be without Amazon!
I have just taken a trial of Which, the consumer organisation.
£1 for a month.
My plan was to check out tablets, but....Hudl is behaving very well the last two days!
I got rid of all the browsers bar Chrome, got rid of the Nova launcher, and re-installed Adblockplus and it is a big improvement. So...
Weather here is glorious today. Not cold either.
Lent tomorrow?

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9th February 2016, 11:06
Good morning, Pigale!
Pity about your weather.
Yes, Nature will weed out the old and weak trees.
Has always been the way.
Hope your kitten is fine?
My weather is glorious today.
Like an early summer's day!
But, will it last, I ask myself!
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9th February 2016, 11:14
I sure do hope your 'Spring' lasts Rusty, and perhaps you can send some of it here ! Mind you I can't complain since we have had a better Winter than you.

My kittens (two of them) were not at all amused this morning - not fed and put into a box ! they are probably on the operating table now and it's all for the best for the future - no new kittens to come. But you can imagine the cost for two ops + tattooing !
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9th February 2016, 11:29
Hello, Pigale!
Goodness yes, it will be expensive having two cats neutered at the same time.
I hope they will leave their stitches alone and won't need to wear "lampshades"!
I'm not sure what you mean by "tattooing"? Mine are microchipped?In April, it becomes legal here for dogs to be microchipped; is that the same in France?
I'm thinking it will become the same rule for cats, too, soon.
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9th February 2016, 11:40
Hello Elle,

I hope they'll behave too, but they are so playful that I will worry they don't hurt themselves while they still have the stitches. The mother was no problem, but she was just over 2 years old then.

Tattooing (or microchip) are required by law in France for dogs AND cats. Tattoo is an inscription (registration number) 'written' using the same principle as a tattoo, usually in their ear and is like an ID - same as microchip, albeit a bit cheaper.
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9th February 2016, 11:53
Hi, Rusty!
That is a very good idea to take "Which" on a temporary trial basis, if you only need it spasmodically when researching a particular item.
I wasn't aware that you could do that?
But isn't it typical that once you decide to do something - like replacing the Hudl with an ipad - the Hudl now decides to work well?
Sod's Law!
Could you have been overloading/ overworking the Hudl, do you think? if it is now working once you "cleared the decks" of extraneous browsers , launchers etc....?
Could it have been blinded (confused) by "Science" so to speak?
I'm probably talking utter rubbish here - I haven't really a clue what I'm talking about!
Fingers crossed that the improvement lasts anyway!
Adblock works great on mine!
Yes, Lent begins tomorrow and ends on Thursday March 24th.
Easter is early this year!
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9th February 2016, 12:11
Pigale, just a word of caution I understand it here, tattooing will not be considered 'legal'- microchipping must be done too (or instead) as from April.
Not affecting cats yet but may do soon?
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