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5th February 2016, 15:04
Thank you, Malone!
I did not look it up.
I think Indian was used originally for the Native American peoples, and so entered the language, although it is obviously incorrect. I suppose Chambers are correct in defining the word according to its usage. That's what dictionaries are for!
I shall give way to Chambers, but wish the setter had chosen another method of getting "inane"!
I know " apache" is part of the French language now.
5951 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th February 2016, 15:12
Sorry, Rusty, I hope I didn't come over as giving you a lecture?! Your post interested me, so I was happy to do a bit of exploring (in Chambers). It wasn't until I was an adult that I realised how bad we - meaning my generation- had been, referring to the Native Americans as 'Red Indians'. Ever since then, I've tried to remember to use the correct terminology - not always successfully. Until today, I personally would never have used the 'Indian' designation - thinking/assuming this was wrong.
5952 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th February 2016, 15:15
Malone, I just downloaded the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
I think it is the US equivalent of Chambers.
Free, unlike Chambers!
Anyway, they have Indians meaning the Native Americans,
also American Indians meaning the same.
I'll let The Times off, on this occasion!
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5th February 2016, 15:23
Crossed posts, Malone!
No, I certainly did not think it was a lecture, more of a
kindred spirit digging away at the facts, as I would do!
And I certainly agree with you on using the correct terminology for the Native Americans.
That is what irked me with The Times clue today.
5954 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th February 2016, 15:40
Hi everyone,

Am I correct in saying that we used to refer to the people from India as Hindus, and not to 'Indians' as is often seen nowadays? The difference between the true American people and the People from India was then more obvious.
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5th February 2016, 16:04
Rusty, glad the clue is only poor rather than wrong!

Pigale, I grew up in Scotland and the Indians were always Indians. I don't think I ever heard or saw them being referred to as Hindus.
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5th February 2016, 16:06
Hello, Pigale!
You may be correct, Pigale, but I do not remember it.
I think the thing arose from Columbus' time.
Did he not think he had landed in India, rather than America?
And called the folk he met, the Indians, rather than, the Americans?
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5th February 2016, 16:53
Hi, Rusty!
We haven't been home long.......we took the dog out again before it started to go dark. Not a very nice afternoon - drizzly.
I told you I have been behind times all day!
Dratted alarm clock!
You did well to find out about Kentish Town. Now, I have heard of the River Fleet - but I don't think it exists as such any more? I think it has become one of London's "underground" rivers?
Your clue has started up a lot of "chat" about "Indians" versus Native Americans"!
I couldn't have added much to the discussion had I been here, though.
I think the word "Indian" might have been used more as an adjective rather than as a noun?
I haven't heard of a "Hindu" being used as other than a follower of the religion "Hindusism"?
So you think I had the correct answer for Quizmad's puzzle? I'm sure his word count is wrong - there is no other answer possible is there?
5958 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th February 2016, 17:23
Well, back in my teens (way back !), I recall the people of India being referred to as Hindus - probably wrongly since not all Indian people are followers of Hinduism; I can only assume that in those days, we made the difference between Native Americans and Indians in this way. (I might add that in those days, the French often referred to the native American people as les Peaux Rouges , this being the equivalent of Red Indians). -
5959 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th February 2016, 17:24
Hello, Elle!
The Fleet has gone underground, yes.
Won't be much room under London with all these rivers and Tube tunnels!
The problem with Americans/Indians is that Columbus was bad at geography or seamanship, and was not where he thought he was!
Possibly where Pigale was brought up the term Hindu was used.
I never heard it.
I am certain you have cracked Quizmad's puzzle.
I looked at that clue for ages, thinking "where, in the name of the wee man, is Elle's anagram?"
In fairness, I was looking for an 8 letter one, after the "e"'s had gone.
I am not saying Quizmad has posted wrongly, but it is no rare thing for a clue to be wrong. Words missing, wrong letter count etc. Could be an error in the quiz.
I think your answer was super!
Needless to say, has anyone ever heard of the place?!!
5960 of 30765  -   Report This Post