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14th January 2016, 16:52
My father-in-law had problems with beavers in their lake (fed by the local river) - He managed to catch the culprits (two couples I think) and drove and released them miles and miles away - we are talking of a distance not far from 100 miles. After a little while, the same beavers had come back! (He had marked them I don't know how but it was definitely the same family)
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14th January 2016, 19:11
Hi, Rusty!
The article that I was reading said that lynx would help keep the number of deer down, but that farmers were concerned about their sheep. I know nothing about the risk there?
I guess we wait and see what develops? it definitely sounds as though some of these things will happen though.....
And bears? I would have thought that was OTT?
My friend in Calgary sometimes talks of "near misses" with bears, when out for a mountain hike........I don't think I like the idea of meeting a grizzly round the corner.....
I didn't realise about all these potential plans until I started looking into it........
We've just had a message from our younger daughter to say she was late home from work because there was a landslide on the line! She hasn't said where? and the reception is doubt we shall find out later on......all seems to be okay though luckily.
Time for dinner......
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14th January 2016, 19:15
Hi, Pigale!
Hope you have had a good day? bitterly cold here! although it's stayed fine. Certainly more seasonal.
I don't know anything about beavers! I didn't realise that they had "homing" instincts! That is incredible to find their way back like that?
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14th January 2016, 20:49
Hello, Pigale.
That is a very interesting story!
They must have been home-bodies, like me!
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14th January 2016, 20:55
Hello, Elle.
Bears are a different kettle of fish altogether.
They kill and eat people.
I would not want them loose.
We'll stick with the wolves!
Is the landslide on a rail line?
I do not like the sound of that!
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14th January 2016, 21:56
Hi, Rusty!
I agree with you about the bears!
There have been two landslides on the London to Bexleyheath line - the first was on Monday, when 200 tonnes of trees, soil and debris slid onto the railway tracks at 10 pm.
A good thing that it happened at night and not during the rush hour!
My daughter has since been working from home as there have been no trains, so she was unable to get into work. She works near St. Katherine's Docks.
(I've told you about there - lovely marina - we took the boys)
At some stage there was a second landslide but I'm not sure when that happened.
The heavy rains are being blamed.
Tonight the message she sent was distorted and we thought that there had been another problem, but this time it was simply a further diversion on the way home.
Luckily all is well.
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15th January 2016, 16:38
Good afternoon, Rusty!
How are you today?
The weather is beautiful here, in that we have blue skies and sunshine - no warmth in it though, but it definitely has a good psychological effect!
Makes you feel good!
I have just returned home from walking the dog - it's bitterly cold and I'm wrapped up to the eyeballs - do I have that right? it sounds an odd expression?
Isn't that something to do with H.G. Wells' "The Invisible Man"? He was "wrapped up to the eyeballs" to disguise his state?
I could be wrong.....
Where has today gone? It's nearly five o'clock already...
What have you been doing today?
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15th January 2016, 16:49
Hello Elle,

Bitterly cold here too, minus 3 last night with windy spells - We had sun this afternoon but between 10am and noon, we had snow - to be expected view the temperature of my feet yesterday!

The feline family absolutely refused to go out ! Wonder why ?
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15th January 2016, 17:00
Hello, Pigale!
Fortunately we haven't yet had any snow ( hope I haven't jinxed it by saying that!)
Last time we had snow, I fell and cracked my head!
Any snow this year...and I'm becoming a recluse!!
I shall stay indoors, order food online, and the dog can go for a walk on her own!
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15th January 2016, 19:09
Good evening, Elle!
Wrapped up to the nines? What's nines?
Been very cold here.
I have noticed a slight lengthening of the afternoon.
In Ireland they would say "there's a grand stretch in the evening", but not quite yet!
I had a quiet day.
My wi-fi was a bit hither, thither, and yon, today, but it seems to have settled now.
Out with Miss Around the World tomorrow.
Wonder if Pine Cone is still a Christmas Wonderland!
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