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13th January 2016, 22:46
Hi, Rusty!
I don't remember our having trams when I lived as a child in Bolton? (no doubt someone will contradict me here!) but I do recall having trolley buses though!
Did you have those? No tracks, but the buses attached overhead?
But we always used to go on holiday to Fleetwood - and we would catch the trams from Fleetwood to Rossall ( on the route to Blackpool) - rattling old boneshakers, they were, too!
This, too. would be in the late fifties/sixties!
Now your book "The Last Wolf"....isn't this a children's story? or have I got the wrong title? I 'm sure I've heard of something similar, anyway, where a young boy and a wolf , both orphaned, are companions......
I have a feeling that there is a film?
I still like reading Arthur Ransome's children's stories - the "Swallows and Amazons" stories
At one time I had the whole series!
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13th January 2016, 23:03
Hello, Pigale.
Thank you for the extra details.
Unfortunately we cannot reverse what has happened.
Snow on mountain slopes is very dangerous stuff.
It can move and nothing will stop it.
I am sure we shall hear more in the coming days about what happened.
Poor children.
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13th January 2016, 23:17
Hello, Elle,
No trolley buses in Dundee. Trams, on rails.
Yes, definitely boneshakers, and nobody in town had constipation, either.
The Last Wolf is not at all about wee boys and Arthur Ransome.
It is about the plans to release wolfs into the wilds in Scotland.
I am up to the bit where the author is on Skye finding the wolf pits which were used for trapping wolfs centuries ago.
I believe the Swallows and Amazon books were very good.
We had snow but it did not lie.
Still no word from La Bamba!
My oldest granddaughter is collecting me on Saturday after her yoga class. All go, up here!
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14th January 2016, 08:36
Good morning, Elle!
You are quite correct, Elle, many apologies from me.
There is a book called The Last Wolf involving a wee boy.
It is by Michael (War Horse) Molpurgo.
The one I have is by Jim Crumley.
Two different books with the same title? Unusual, is it?
And they have both written books about whales, but with different titles.
Quite cold this morning. Snow and frost overnight.
"Lunching" with the ladies today?

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14th January 2016, 10:01
Good morning, Rusty!
Very cold here! 0C when I went out at 8am. Frost and ice (no snow) - very treacherous underfoot........we took to walking on the muddy grass rather than on the slippery paths. I didn't fancy cracking my head again!
Glad to be home and having a hot drink!
No apologies needed! I'm just glad I wasn't going doolally! I thought that I had the correct title......yes, as you say, unusual for there to be two titles the same - isn't that an infringement of copyright or somesuch?
What are the reasons being given for the re- introduction of wolves in Scotland? I know that wolves will kill deer, and deer destroy trees (a lot of deer are culled for this very reason)
Is this a way of preserving our forests?
I'm assuming you will know all about this from your reading?
Yes, I am indeed going out for lunch - but there will only be two of us today - and my friend wishes to go shopping first.
So I shall make a repeat visit to Bromley - having, of course, gone there on Sunday with my daughter!
I will need to leave in about forty minutes.
It is good that you heard from Miss L-B - and that you have plans with Miss ATW for Saturday!
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14th January 2016, 14:23
Good afternoon, Elle!
Slippy roads and paths here, too.
I would have thought separate titles would be needed for books? Strange!
Now, I am not an expert on deer or wolves, but I understand that wolves would have a beneficial effect on the land by acting as a control on deer. I think at one time, wolves were found throughout Britain.
I think I would be in favour of the wolves returning, if Ms Sturgeon lets us vote on it.
No heating in my car today.
Had to get the cooling system bled of a suspected air lock.
Fine now, and my garage man refused my offer of payment.
Very good of him.
Hope you enjoy lunch in sunny Bromley!
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14th January 2016, 14:32
PS, Elle,
I like "doolally". A great word!
Comes from the town of Deolali in India.
Also, a British Army camp there, which was where the BBC television show, "It Aint Half Hot, Mum" was set.
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14th January 2016, 15:49
Good afternoon, Rusty!
We had a very nice lunch and chat.
Brrrh! It's certainly cold out! the contrast between being in the shops and then going outside again certainly hammers that home to you!
I really feel that Winter has at last arrived!
I have been reading about the possible reintroduction of the lynx to the UK.
Whereas wolves, if at large, can be a danger to the public, apparently lynx have never been know to kill a human being and would be less of a general risk, with the same plus benefits.
Do you know much about this?
There is also controversy about beavers - there is a beaver colony on the River Tay, isn't there? these beavers appear to have settled well and there is talk about letting them "go wild".......I don't know much about them?
As a "local", are you better informed?
Is there not a danger that they might build dams in appropriate places?
Btw, what a generous mechanic you have !
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14th January 2016, 16:08
PS. typo! dams in INappropriate places!
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14th January 2016, 16:45
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I'd say winter is here!.
There has been talk of lynx being introduced here too.
But I don't know how good they are at deer hunting?
As far as I know the beavers are doing fine. I do not know exactly where they are, but the Tay is a big river, with many tributaries.
Actually, the salmon fishing season opens on the Tay tomorrow.
May have Fiona Armstrong here for the opening ceremony?
I think she has had the first cast before.
She is an expert salmon fisher.
My garage man gets trade from a lot of my family, so just doing me a wee favour.
Just took a few minutes.
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