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9th January 2016, 13:52
Somebody should tell Brendan Foster that the little "stream" on the course is called a "burn" up here!
5371 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2016, 15:29
Hi, Rusty!
Well, we got muddy, rather than soaked! Happy dog though!
I haven't watched the Athletics yet, just about to do so, when I've made a bacon roll and a coffee!
So it was a good afternoon? You didn't see Lynsey Sharp? - though I'm sure I read that she was running? - anyway, I shall keep a look out for her in a few minutes.
Mo Farah is taking part, too, I think.
I've recorded it so am off to watch it now.......
Talk later.
5372 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2016, 17:10
Hey, Rusty!
All finished! I enjoyed that !
Yes, good to see Laura lead the Scots team home - a very positive win.
I was a little puzzled by the designations of the teams - Scotland A and B, England GB and NI, Ireland, Wales, USA and Europe.
It seemed bit strange to have separate teams and then a combined GB one?
But very well done to all.
Mo Farah was pipped at the post by Gareth ? (forgotten his name? the leading American)
That was disappointing, but Callum Hawkins did well throughout.
Not long now to the Indoor Championships in February.
In fact, hopefully a good year of Athletics ahead.................
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9th January 2016, 17:31
Hello, Elle!
Yes, the teams were a bit odd, weren't they.
I enjoyed it.
Good honest running.
Laura Muir keeps on improving which is great to see.
I was very surprised to see Mo getting beat.
I thought he had the race in his pocket.
Young Kate Avery did very well, too.
Jonathan Edwards is a good compere, too, and Jo Pavey contributed very well to the programme.
And no Lynsey Sharp. Great!
Rose Wild had her column in The Times today.
Mainly about history. Was good!
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9th January 2016, 18:17
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, Laura Muir is coming along very well.......she should have a great future if she can stay injury free.
I was thinking for a moment that she is coached by Steve Cram - but I'm thinking of Laura Weightman there, aren't I?
I think Andy Young coaches Laura Muir?
Jo has no plans as yet to retire, which is good to hear! She refers to herself as "getting very old"! ( what is she, forty?) but she plans at least to compete in the forthcoming Olympics.
Unfortunately, I don't get to read Rose's column as we don't get a Saturday paper.
Were there any follow up comments, after our bid for stardom in her column?
( I almost wrote back about her cryptic ending!)
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9th January 2016, 18:40
Hello, Elle!
I do not know the coaches other than Mo's.
Yes, I think Jo is 40.
No there was no more about crosswords.
I did not understand her cryptic ending at all.
That was my point I wrote in about.
I have no understanding of cockney, and, why should I?
I still think we should not be expected to comprehend a local dialect or have a Tube map to hand. I can't make out the print, anyway!
"Dear Mr Editor, there is a big wide world out there, come and join us!"
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9th January 2016, 19:08
Hi, Rusty!
Well, as I said at the time, I realised that the words used by Rose at the end of her article must be Cockney slang - but I had to look them up to find out the meanings....her reference was clever, but the actual meanings were all very rude!
And I'm still unsure whether Rose meant to imply that Mr R would in fact take no notice of our comments - or whether she was ( a little bit) on our side!
I thought of emailing her to ask...but let it go......perhaps a pity?
I'm going to hit an all time record tonight for my watching the TV....
I've watched the Cross Country, then at 7.30 it's "The Voice", and then my favourite Saturday programme "Casualty".
I'll probably end up recording them as I doubt I'll have the patience to sit through so much television at one go.
Btw, what did happen in the end about Mo's coach and the drug charges?
5377 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2016, 19:45
Hello, Elle!
Yes, let the Rose thing go.
We still manage to solve the crosswords in spite of them.
I do not know her words, nor do I wish to know her rude meanings.
I hope you enjoy your programmes, and you have Trigger to watch, too!
5378 of 30765  -   Report This Post


9th January 2016, 20:47
I forgot about Mo's coach.
I must be having one of your "senior moments".
Alberto Salazar is still head of the Nike Project at Eugene, Oregon.
I am not sure if he is being actively investigated or not.
One of his group said if anyone in that group was being helped by artificial means it was Galen Rupp.
His progress appears astonishing, like several cyclists I can think of.
Apparently Salazar ran for a long time while taking Prozac.
No one appears to know if that helped him or not?
My own opinion is that Mo is clean; I hope so, anyway.
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9th January 2016, 21:33
Hi, Rusty!
Er............whose senior moment are we talking about here?
I remember the allegations against Galen Rupp - but, presumably, unless Alberto Salazar is found guilty, then the jury will have to remain out on Rupp? I'd imagine that if one "fell", then so would the other?
Yes, I think that Mo is clean - he certainly seems honest - let's hope so, anyway.
It would really be a case of a "fallen idol" otherwise, wouldn't it?
I enjoyed "The Voice", despite my previous misgivings about changing two of the judges.
I'm not sure about Paloma Faith though....I haven't heard her sing or come across her as an individual before. She seems a bit irritating?
I am recording "Casualty" - I can watch it some other time.
Too much TV at one sitting , otherwise.
I'd forgotten about "Trigger" - yes, I will look that up, too.
5380 of 30765  -   Report This Post