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7th December 2015, 10:07
Good morning, Rusty!
I have never tried to use MyBT on my Hudl, so cannot comment on its efficacy.
And yes, now that I have grasped that you are talking of a one-way traffic, I can understand what you are saying about MyMail! (you just had me confused there for a little while! )
The forecast for here hasn't turned out as stated yesterday! We did have rain during the night, yes.......but it is still drizzling in a very determined manner now! I think it might well be set in for the day.
No problem, as my agenda is to start writing my Christmas cards! We have a lot to send and so the sooner I "get stuck in" the better..............
I have no intention of setting foot outside the door again until after lunch, when the dog will need another "run"!
What are you up to today?
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7th December 2015, 13:23
Hi everyone,

Glorious sunny day here - 12/13C - not bad for December !

I have just received my new Bradford's - lovely looking book, hard back, published by Collins and it is the 2015 edition, so can't be more up to date than this.

It has so many things I did not have with my archaic copy (which on top of its old age was only a pocket version). Lists of just about anything that can be listed - of course I immediately looked at joke and yes, it does say 'one' as well as 'one liner', so I am very pleased.

The Chambers 12th edition is not due to arrive for another few days ; it is very much a second hand (condition 'acceptable') but at least it is not the 13th edition. Will see.
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7th December 2015, 13:59
Good afternoon, Elle!
Lot of rain here.
But there are folk much, much, worse off with the flooding in Northern England and the Borders.
So, I won't be moaning about some rain!
Hope you have made some inroads into the Christmas cards!
"Efficacy" is a new word to me. Always learning!
I have finished my crossword already.
I noticed that one of the prizewinners in last weeks Times prize crossword is a gentleman from the United States.
Just saying!
I am home for the day.
I was out in the morning, but driving!
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7th December 2015, 14:08
Good afternoon, Pigale!
Lucky you with the weather!
Welcome to the Anne Bradford Appreciation Society!
I am sure you, like the rest of us, will find her dictionary very useful.
If you would like to find out a bit more about the lady herself, type "Meet Anne Bradford" into Google and you will find an interview that the Guardian newspaper did with her.
Hope your Chambers is fine.
I have ordered a "very good" 11th edition.
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7th December 2015, 14:34
My elder son and his wife gave me the 12th ed and matching thesaurus for a significant birthday fairly recently, Great.

If anyone wants an interesting challenge, do try syzygy's post on the Wall St Journal. I have just finished it (with a few hints on the comments and help from aristo). Vey well constructed and more fun than a straightforward crossword!

Going for walk soon, as there's a certain yellow thing in the sky not seen for a while
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7th December 2015, 15:18
No Londonisms in today's crosswords! For those of us with no sentimental attachment to exclamation marks, Melanie Reid's observations (in the Notebook piece) are very interesting!
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7th December 2015, 15:39
Just read it, Malone!
Very entertaining article.
It is LOL's and the like that get on my wick!
Now where did "get on my wick" come from!
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7th December 2015, 16:20
I wish I hadn't looked up 'get on my wick' - it comes from London rhyming slang AND it is rude! Check Brewer's if you have it.
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7th December 2015, 16:23
Do you know that LOL is even used in French for text/email messages, but also in conversation amongst the young ones - problem though, I wonder how many do mean what the initials stand for ...?
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7th December 2015, 16:24
sorry I meant how many do know ...
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