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5th December 2015, 12:59
Rusty, thanks for the address;

Since twice is better than none, I have sent my letter again, but addressed to Feedback this time.

Will see which one replies, if at all !
4651 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th December 2015, 13:06
Rusty, I have just received an automated acknowledgement message signed Rose Wild - They say that all complaints are dealt with seriously and as quickly as possible (no later than 28 days at any rate). So, wait and see ...
4652 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th December 2015, 15:04
Hello, Pigale!
That is excellent news.
You are a "super trouper" indeed!
Some of this weeks comments were passed on to wine correspondent, Jane McQuitty, who responded, and her comments are in the column today.
Let us hope Mr Rogan replies to you, (and Elle), and if not, it is mentioned in next weeks column. I shall certainly check it.
It is a good column with many interesting topics that folk write in about.
Crosswords feature quite regularly!
Horrible day here, Pigale.
It is almost dark already!
4653 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th December 2015, 16:05
Hi again Rusty,

Have just come back from a little wonder down village centre; after a little shopping I popped in my favourite cafe (as usual) and met up with other local people who were all drinking a glass of Beaujolais Nouveau - I joined them and must say that it is really excellent this year.
The amount of sunshine we had throughout the summer could well have something to do with it !

Came back around 4.30 my time and have just closed the shutters as it is getting dark (less early in the day than Elle's place because of the hour's difference).

I knew it had been cold in the night and someone told me that around 6.30 it was minus 4C - I certainly saw a big white frost.
Same due tomorrow but at least we are having brilliant sunshine and temp up to 12 C forecast tomorrow between noon and 3pm.
Can't complain !
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5th December 2015, 16:11
Hello, Pigale!
Sounds like a nice afternoon you had!
It has been wet and windy with me all day.
No complaints though.
There is flooding affecting many folk and at least I do not have that!
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5th December 2015, 18:30
Hey, Rusty!
I spoke a bit too soon about its not being windy!
I was nearly blown off my feet when we went out earlier this afternoon! and it was cold! the only part of the forecast that proved correct was that we didn't have any rain!
How did your football/ skiing/ racing go?
Did you see what I put about the school choices? - the only say in the matter that my daughter has is initially in the picking of the six schools for which she wishes her son to be considered. I don't know if this is the way it works all over the UK? but certainly in her Borough - and I think all over London?
But anyway.....all she can do now is submit her choices by January and await the decision - which I think will be announced in March.
Thank you for the info about the "feedback" section of the Times.
If I haven' t heard back from the other source by next week, I shall try that.
(I'm wondering how come it is I and Pigale who are writing, when it was you and Malone who were complaining?
Where are your efforts?!)
4656 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th December 2015, 18:53
Hello, Elle!
Pigale and you are perfect for writing to Mr Rogan.
You are both educated people, unlike me!
Malone and me trust you both implicitly to do a good job!
And you volunteered!
That is a long time before you hear from school.
My team were well beaten at the football.
I did not watch the racing today.
Just settling down to read my paper now.
Not a pleasant evening here.
4657 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th December 2015, 19:38
Quite right Elle ! Another letter from these gentlemen would not go amiss !

Anyway, I have just spoken to my friends in Cumbria and they have been flooded - downstairs only of course, but that's where kitchen and all electric appliances are, as well as some furniture in front room of the cottage. ~They had put the maximum high up two weeks ago but the settee and one chair did get wet. (though not for the first time - last time was 2009 and since then they have no carpet - just tiles)

They are right at the bottom end of the village and it is only their house and the pub next door with its outbuildings that have suffered.
Warning is still on until 5am, but unless it rains again later on this evening, it looks as though the water was slightly receding.
Let's hope so !

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5th December 2015, 20:01
Hi, Rusty!
I've just been talking to my elder daughter on the phone......she tells me that her younger son has a part as a star in the class nativity this a promotion? Last year he was a sheep!
We have heard on the radio that there has been a death in Finchley, North London, due to the severe high winds. An elderly man , aged 90, was blown under a bus.
Perhaps Desmond is making his presence felt here, too.
For the time being, the winds have quietened down around us.
Have you done your crossword?

4659 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th December 2015, 20:11
Hi, Pigale!
It must be difficult for your friends living where they do and presumably knowing that they are likely to be flooded whenever the weather conditions prove extreme?
And once that has happened to you, I imagine you could never move house, as no -one would want to buy a property that had previously been flooded?
I guess that's called being between a rock and a hard place?
I hope they do not suffer too much damage.
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