Hey, Rusty!
I spoke a bit too soon about its not being windy!
I was nearly blown off my feet when we went out earlier this afternoon! and it was cold! the only part of the forecast that proved correct was that we didn't have any rain!
How did your football/ skiing/ racing go?
Did you see what I put about the school choices? - the only say in the matter that my daughter has is initially in the picking of the six schools for which she wishes her son to be considered. I don't know if this is the way it works all over the UK? but certainly in her Borough - and I think all over London?
But anyway.....all she can do now is submit her choices by January and await the decision - which I think will be announced in March.
Thank you for the info about the "feedback" section of the Times.
If I haven' t heard back from the other source by next week, I shall try that.
(I'm wondering how come it is I and Pigale who are writing, when it was you and Malone who were complaining?
Where are your efforts?!)