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5th December 2015, 08:35
Good Morning, Rusty!
Goodness me! Searching for "Londonisms" at ten to five in the morning!
Yes, a good anagram as Chrisg says....but immediate options come to mind without even looking for the anagram.........
So what are you doing up so very early?
Have your winds died down?
It got somewhat windy here before bed, but this morning is calm, dull and drear, apparently going to be mild all day at 11C.
No particular plans.... I'll have a look at today's GK Jumbo whilst I have a coffee....going out later than usual today.
What about you?
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5th December 2015, 09:41
Good morning, Elle,
Wind has dropped a bit.
I just had a wee look at the crossword online earlier.
I do not do it until around teatime.
I have a football match to watch at lunchtime on TV.
My team is at home to Aberdeen.
And there may be downhill skiing to watch.
And the racing.
I like Saturdays!
Did your daughter phone the school?
I do not do the Jumbo any more.
I give that part of the paper to my neighbour.
Right, I am off to ASDA!
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5th December 2015, 11:12
Hi, Rusty!
Well, that is two crosswords done and dusted!
I am disappointed with the Times Jumbo GK today....too easy....all done far too quickly...I like to have to "struggle" a bit!
No "Londonisms" though!
You DO have a lot of sport to watch today! No wonder you like Saturdays if this is a fair example.
I think Athletics and Tennis are all finished now for the Winter season? So nothing to interest me.
Just "Casualty" tonight.
No, my daughter has decided against phoning the school and going back for a repeat visit. She says that she has decided to put it third anyway, as we were thinking of doing.
Fair enough!
We have compiled the requisite list of six now, without having to include the one that we both "hated"!
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5th December 2015, 11:36
Hello, Elle!
Well, you just have to hope you get a school at the top of the list.
Will your daughter get a choice?
I was finding the Times Jumbo a bit tedious. That's why I stopped it.
No word from the good Mr Rogan?
I like watching the skiing.
Men in USA, and the ladies in Canada, today.
It is not often my local team are on TV, and several of the young ones are going. May even spot them!
It is dry just now, and a fairish breeze blowing.
Have not checked the forecast,
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5th December 2015, 12:01
Rusty, as I understand it, you submit a list of six choices in order of preference. A computer works though the selections, picking certain criteria - priority goes first to siblings and special needs children - and then the remaining school places are awarded by order of which candidate lives the nearest to the school.
The parents have no further choice other than to "appeal" to the local council if not satisfied" with the school they are allotted.
(This usually goes nowhere!)
So it's a real lottery......
I think my daughter will be reasonably happy if the young one gets one of her chosen first three!
but we'd all be way over the moon if he got our first choice - as that is way and above all the others!
But it's all in the lap of the gods......
We are now going out for a couple of hours, walking the dog.
I think we can venture further afield today, as the forecast is supposedly fine all throughout!
Enjoy your sport!
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5th December 2015, 12:01
Hello Rusty, Elle and everyone,

Glorious day here ! just a bit on the 'very' chilly side in the wee hours of the morning - heavy frost. We seem to have a high pressure protecting us (perhaps not so much the Northern coasts)

No answer from Mr Rogan this end either, yet letter was signed, sealed and delivered according to their wishes ! and since I do not buy the paper, I'll never know if it has been published or not. It does not matter really except that if it is published, then I will be sure that they have read it!
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5th December 2015, 12:07
Hi, Pigale!
I got the impression from their reply to me - perhaps wrongly - that if you supplied name and address - the letter would/ might be published, not answered personally.
I could be wrong?
But I wrote back and send that I wasn't so much interested in having the letter published, as in having a two-way correspondence with the Crossword editor himself.
So could they please forward my letter to the appropriate quarters?
I haven't heard anything further as yet......
Going out now....sorry to rush off.......

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5th December 2015, 12:11
Well Elle, hopefully you will receive a direct response from Mr
Rogan and if my letter is published, it might entice other displeased people to write too ! The best of both worlds no?
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5th December 2015, 12:28
Elle and Pigale,
There is a column in The Times every Saturday that welcomes "feedback".
I have seen criticism in the past about their crosswords and various other things, in it. Today folk are writing about the wine correspondent, and also complaints about getting Andy Murray's home town put into the wrong county.
The address is,
Today's journalist doing the column is Rose Wild.
It is interesting!
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5th December 2015, 12:30
I should add that Rose Wild has passed letters on to Jane McQuilty, the wine correspondent, for comment.
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