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6th December 2015, 00:18
Hi, Rusty!
I told you I would be wide-awake now, after my "kip" earlier!
(I reckon I must have slept for about two hours!)
Yes, there is a rhinoceros beetle - I did that crossword early this morning!
Now, I have heard of Crianlarich ( Stirling comes to mind?) but not
Inchnadamph?! Where is that?
Yes, hopefully that will faze Mr. R.!
I have decided not to wait to see if I get a response from him, but will email the feedback column in the morning (or rather, later today!)
Strike whilst I am on a roll......
I am just going to print off the Everyman now.........
4671 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th December 2015, 00:25
Good morning, Elle.
Inchnadamph is a few miles North of Ullapool and has ferocious midgies! It is known for two famous geologists who discovered stuff around there in caves etc a long time ago.
I have forgotten their names!
It consists of the hotel and a few houses.
Yes, email Rose at feedback.
You may get a mention in the column next week!
4672 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th December 2015, 10:21
Hi, Rusty!
I'm still wide awake! (although I did sleep in-between!)
I downloaded the Everyman crossword just after midnight and finished that before I went to bed!
A miserable morning! damp and drizzly out - although it looks to be drying up now....horses and stable doors come to mind, though....we have already had our walk!
Still, hopefully it will stay dry for our next outing later on.
What have you got planned for today?
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6th December 2015, 10:26
I've climbed mountains from Inchnadamph, or near there. One of my best days out ever was when we did a traverses of Suilven from there. Ben More Assynt wasn't as good - thick cloud all day and quartzite isn't fun to walk on.
4674 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th December 2015, 12:32
Good afternoon, Elle!
Great day here. Not a cloud in the sky!
Pigale and you will be pleased to know that I have emailed Rose with my tuppenceworth regarding Londonisms.
The weather has been severe in some parts of the country.
Not good at all.
I am home for the day now. I was on the nature trail earlier, but in racing parlance, "the going was heavy"!
Taking it easy the rest of the day, and why not, indeed!
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6th December 2015, 12:45
Good afternoon, Rusty!
(altho I'm not so sure about the "good" bit here, as it's very dark and threatening ...goodness knows what is coming....?)
Glad to hear that you are having good weather though!
I am very pleased to hear that you have sent in your contribution to "Rose"!
She will be inundated with anti - Londonism complaints at this rate, as I redirected MY letter to that column earlier this morning!
I shall have to buy a newspaper next Saturday (?) to see what happens!
Is it only on Saturdays that the column appears?
We are just going out now........I think waterproofs might be a prudent move......catch you later.......
4676 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th December 2015, 13:10
Hello, Elle,
We are blessed with a great day here, so far.
Poor Rose!
So, that's emails from England, France, and Scotland, at least!
Yes, the column just appears on a Saturday.
It is called "Opinion".
It is usually interesting and entertaining.
I always read it, and over the years there have been many crossword related observations from readers.
Three topics yesterday. Wine, the Davis Cup coverage. Mrs Bishop writes in to tell them that Dunblane is not a village, but a city, and why have they moved Dunblane from Perthshire to Stirlingshire, and the third topic is Oxbridge college names.
Just realised that I forgot to tell Rose that "John Peel" is a Cumbrian song, not Scots. Though I would not be surprised if others have done.
My spellchecker has underlined "Cumbrian".
Must be an American one, I think.
4677 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th December 2015, 15:11
Hi, Rusty!
We had a relatively uneventful walk - it drizzled a bit and was blowy, but nothing like the gusts of yesterday! Thank goodness!
We also met up with an old friend with his "new" dog! She is a friendly little thing, very trusting considering she is a "rescue" with an unhappy background.
This "Feedback " column does sound interesting.... I obviously miss a lot only buying the Sunday Times!
Remind me next Saturday to get the paper that day! then I can see if any of our letters 'made it'!
I don't understand how these Spellcheckers work?
I had a different reaction - I copied and pasted your sentence with "Cumbrian" in it into "Word" as an experiment......
"Cumbrian" got by - no underlining? - but "realised" was underlined - obviously the Spellchecker wanted it to be spelt with a 'z'!
I wonder why my Spellchecker (which incidentally I don't know how to switch off - if indeed it can be done? ) is different from yours?
I am now going to find something to dinner/ tea (!) seems a long way off.......
4678 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th December 2015, 15:30
Hello, Elle,
Your letter won't be published, but quotes, or the gist of it, may.
I have discovered that Rose is the Archives editor, too.
Glad that the new doggie has found a good home.
What is "Word"?
I think spellcheckers vary.
I have an idea mine is set to American Google English.
I have had words like "colour" flagged up. It prefers "color".
I would not mind changing it to English English, or Google English.
Not sure how, though!
I am pretty certain yours can be switched off.
I think in the Hudl there are several options.
I shall remind you about the column on Saturday, and you can let me know what is printed on the masthead!
Yes, a wee while until tea time!
4679 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th December 2015, 16:59
Hi, Rusty!
"Word" is short for "Word Processor" - which is part of Microsoft Office - in which you can write letters etc.
I write all my (lengthy) letters in "Word" and then either copy and paste them into Hotmail, or - if they are going by post ("snail" mail) - I print them out.
Very useful!
I don't seem to have a 'Spellcheck" on my Hudl? or if I do it must be switched off - which suits me fine!
I am using the desk top at present ......
Speaking of dinner/ tea... I have no idea what w e are going to have to eat today.... I have made no plans.....I think it's scavenge time in the fridge! We have some shepherd's pie somewhere......
What are you having for YOUR tea?
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