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4th December 2015, 21:17
Hi, Chris!
It's good to hear that you had a successful trip!
And that the weather wasn't as bad as initially feared.
A curry at the end sounds a brilliant idea!
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4th December 2015, 21:32
Hello, Elle,
Still restricted traffic on the bridge.
Only things allowed on are cars and single deck buses.
Very exposed on the bridge. Not safe.
Another thing I learned today was that "fl" is an abbreviation for flourished according to Chambers.
Well done in contacting Mr Rogan.
I was not sure about LSE but Pigale did not know it, so a bit iffy to include it. Would LSO be London Symphony Orchestra?
It is getting to the stage where I cannot wait to see what mischief the Times setters have got up to!
Now, I know you don't buy the Times, but would you know what is on the masthead of the paper in the London area?
In my edition, under The Times, is Scotland.
I have something in my head saying they changed the masthead years ago to The Times of London?
Any idea, Elle, or was that a short lived idea?
And I could be completely wrong, of course.
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4th December 2015, 21:36
but surely whether Times Scotland, Times London or Times rest of England all have the same crossword non?
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4th December 2015, 21:44
Yes, Pigale.
But it would give them an "out".
They could say about their Londonisms, "but the paper is The Times of London, so why not."
I do not think they would, but you never know!
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4th December 2015, 21:48
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, LSO is the London Symphony Orchestra!
Goodness, I have no idea what it says on the front of The Times in the London area!
(Maybe someone else will be able to enlighten us?)
We do always buy the Sunday Times each week, but obviously I am singularly unobservant, because I have no recall as to what is on there either!
But I shall look on Sunday!
Anything planned for the weekend?
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4th December 2015, 21:49
Re the LSE, I think that on one of my 'intelligent' days (they do happen), I could have deciphered London School of ...... something - that would have been a start and with the help of letters already in situ, perhaps I could have found it. Not as bad as 'Fief' yesterday ~!
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4th December 2015, 22:14
Hello, Elle,
No, have a wee look on a weekday if you are near a paper stall in Tesco or somewhere.

This is from Wikipedia.
"On 26 July 2012 to coincide with the official start of the London 2012 Olympics and the issuing of a series of souvenir front covers, The Times added the suffix "of London" to its masthead."

Now, I wonder if that was only for the Olympics or is it still there?
Anyway, Elle, you have done very well today contacting Mr Rogan etc and I do not mind if you award yourself an extra biscuit with your cocoa tonight.
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4th December 2015, 22:18
"Fief" was a dreadful one.
We are in complete agreement on that!
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5th December 2015, 04:50
Just had a glance at today's Times and there is one Londonism I see.
Figure heading column left Londoners stunned (4,6)
It's fairly easy, but...
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5th December 2015, 06:06
A rather good anagram !
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