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4th December 2015, 18:10
Hi, Rusty!
I do hope your son doesn't have trouble getting home this evening, if he has indeed been over in Fife.
Yes, I can see that temporary closure of the Forth Bridge for two to three months will indeed cause chaos!
But when you say a you mean a passenger ferry or a car ferry? I doubt that the former would be much use? - folk presumably would need their cars when they get across the water?
How practical will it be then to run a car ferry?
Is this something that has happened before? there would have to be a special approach for the cars to board the ferry?
I have only done the Times QC and the Times 2 - as you know, I don't have the 15 x 15 unless my friend is away and I buy a daily paper.
Why do you ask? Is there a pertinent clue? - maybe another "Londonism"?
4611 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2015, 18:36
Hello, Elle!
Not heard what kind of ferry.
Most traffic, I would think, will get diverted to the Kincardine Bridge. They are talking about putting on a ferry, extra trains etc. They have had 11 mile tailbacks on the approaches to the bridge, before diverting traffic upriver to Kincardine.
They have had bother with the cables rusting in the past.
Yes, there was a Londonism as part of a clue, but I knew it.
The one I would quibble with the editor is,
"Colour range on American ladies' skin in the Scottish air (3,3,4,4) D'ye Ken John Peel.
The Scottish air looks to me to be the definition.
But, the song is not Scottish. It is a Cumbrian song, set to an old Scottish tune, which I have forgotten.
I think it should have said " the Cumbrian air".
What do you think, Elle?
Am I wrong or has that editor slipped up?
4612 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2015, 18:50
Rusty, I'm sorry - I thought it was a Scottish song! The clue, though, says 'air' -not 'song'. As air means 'melody, tune' (according to Chambers), I feel the clue is technically correct.
4613 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2015, 19:16
Hello again Rusty. I've realised that my last comment/answer can't be right - the tune that is used for 'D'ye..' is not called 'D'ye..' The tune used for that song is Scottish, but it has its own, original name - it only became 'D'ye...' when the Cumbrian added the lyrics. Sorry - and technically you are correct about the error in the clue!

4614 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2015, 19:16
Malone, yes the clue says air.
But the Scots air is not called D'ye Ken John Peel.
It is called "Bonnie Annie".
I do see your point, but I think it a very dubious clue, if not plain wrong.
I think the standard of clue in the Times is dropping.
4615 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2015, 19:18
Ah, we have crossed in the post!
4616 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2015, 19:22
Hi, Rusty!
Where is the Kincardine Bridge? Is that fairly nearby? If not too far away, it might prove a viable alternative whilst the Forth Bridge is closed for repairs?
Now, your crossword clue.......
" Colour range on American ladies' skin in the Scottish air".......
I would have parsed it as
D'ye Ken John Peel = Scottish air (definition)
Dye - colour
ken - range (see Anne Bradford!)
John - american (ladies) toilet
Peel- skin
Is this correct?
But I don't know the origin of the song?
John Peel was born in Cumbria (or Cumberland as it was then)
However, if you think that the song is set to a Scottish "tune", then I think the setter is correct - "tune" meaning "air" according to Anne Bradford.
4617 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2015, 19:41
Helli, Elle.
The Kincardine Bridge is a few miles upstream.
I saw a photo of the crack in the bridge. It is underneath the structure.
Now, this clue.
D'ye Ken John Peel can be found in a book of Cumbrian Ballads. Nothing to do with Scotland.
How many folk doing the crossword would know that the words of what appears to be the definition, were set to an old Scots tune? Very few.
I certainly did not.
Anne Bradford gives air, song, and tune, as synonyms.
I think it is a dubious, unfair, clue, if not plain wrong.
The quicker you sort out Mr Rogan and his dodgy setters, the better!
4618 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2015, 19:42
And I've crossed with both you and Malone!
4619 of 30765  -   Report This Post


4th December 2015, 19:51
Hi again, Rusty!
So the song is definitely of Cumbrian origin. Okay.....
You sounded as though you were positive that the words were set to a Scottish tune, which is the only reason why I went with saying that the setter was correct........
Ummm, now I don' t know what to think?
Did I parse it correctly?
I wonder if I will ever hear from Mr. R?
4620 of 30765  -   Report This Post