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9th November 2015, 16:36
In Nepal our guide took us, very reluctantly and only after we'd promised not to blame him, to see a caged male tiger. he was magnificent, but had been caged almost all his life because his mother had been killed as a man-eater.
That's really my abiding memory of Nepal, other than the sound an elephant made when she caught the scent of a tiger (I was on the elephant's back, and I wouldn't do that again, either) and the fear when our guide showed us a fresh tiger footprint on a walk.
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9th November 2015, 16:49
Good news about doggie, elle.

I missed out on their Nepal trip, but wife and daughter went tiger watching aboard elephanrs (the theory being that the tigers wouldn't bother to attack the elephants).

I did have a closeish encounter with a leopard in Kruger National Park. We were travelling in convoy, and the girl in the car in front opened her window to get a better picture (she was South African, so should have known better!). The leopard took it as an invitation. Fortunately she was able to close the window VERY[.b] quickly!
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9th November 2015, 16:57
Yes, Chris - a great relief! I've been very worried about her.
Your wife and daughter's experience 'aboard' the elephant sounds similar to what Ros has just told us.........
I haven' t had any near death experiences with 'wild' animals, but I did nearly get bitten by the coalman's camel when we were in Sudan!
A most unfriendly creature!
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9th November 2015, 17:16
Elle, that is smashing news about doggie!
You will be feeling on top of the world now!
Take on board whatever the vet tells you, and then decide, with doggie's best interests at heart.
Well, my tale cannot compete with the tiger stalking, elephant rides etc, but whenever I visit my eldest son, their cat jumps up on my lap, which is fine, but often sinks its claws in my leg.
Last time I was wearing (for the first time!) my new M&S trousers and was prayiing they would not get a rip, but all was well.
And so to tea...
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9th November 2015, 17:42
Elle, Just connected to the Forum and saw (with delay) your fantastic piece of news - So very happy for you and the pup !

As to the question of removing the affected gland anyway, you know what I think, I believe I mentioned in one of my posts just after you mentioned the problem.

When will she have the lamp-shade off ? Wednesday did you say ?
Will she be able to run around again soon or after the visit to the Vet?

Rusty, I think that cats stick their claws on you as a sign of content, of comfort - same with purring - but I could be wrong !

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9th November 2015, 18:09
Well, the cat seemed very content, Pigale, and was not too perturbed by my squealing!
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9th November 2015, 18:46
Great news Elle; phew, what a relief!

You really would think that no-one would wind down a car window if they were anywhere near a big cat, but some people have taken selfies in front of wild bears, apparently.

I'm not sure mine was a near-death experience- we were probably perfectly safe on the elephant. I did wonder if the "recent" tiger footprint had been made by a paw on a stick, so to speak!

We also saw a wild rhino close up from the top of a land rover (not comfortable and elf and safety would have had a fit). Had the rhino charged I suspect we might have been jelly. Who wants to be safe all the time? I've rafted down a river in spate (not remotely sensible) and jumped put of an aeroplane somewhat intimately strapped to a young man.
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9th November 2015, 19:10
Thank you , Ros and Pigale for your good wishes. We do feel sa though a heavy burden has been lifted!
I think I will leave her "lampshade" on till the end of the week to be on the safe side - I ha e feeling she will go straight for the stitches once I take it off.
She isn't bothering about it now - it doesn't stop her chasing about, nor leaping on and on the sofa!
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9th November 2015, 19:22
Yes, Rusty, I will consider all options when I see the vet in person. The main thing is that the lump wasn't a tumour, and the gland is not cancerous! We are so thankful, as you can imagine!
It's good to hear that your new trousers survived their first 'outing'! Cats often "knead" as a gesture of affection! Your son's cat obviously likes you!
Do you not have any pets of your own? I'm assuming not as I haven't heard mention of any? Animals are good company - I wouldn't be without any of ours.... although we are down to only one cat and one dog ( and, of course the goldfish) now.
I've had an 'out- of- the blue' thought... what happened about your new front door?
Did your joiner come to fit it? are you pleased with it?
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9th November 2015, 20:59
Doggie is going to be fine, that is the main thing, Elle.
I do not know "knead" in that sense. Is that a local meaning?
I have no pets and my joiner is hectic.
Told him no rush.
A busy joiner is a good sign, to me.
What do you think Coe will do?
He is a bit of a waffler, I think.
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