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8th November 2015, 12:01
"Cozzie" is used by my Lancastrian friends.
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8th November 2015, 12:07
Hi, Rusty!
I spoke too soon about the sunshine - it's now looking as though it might rain again!
Yes, ferries are good! I like ferries! It's the "containment" of a cruise that doesn't appeal and the limitations of where and how long you can visit at the stoppages.
But I agree that the fjiords as mentioned by Ros sound great and would be very interesting to see.
But I like to WALK! - especially along a ( hopefully deserted) beach! That is my idea of a holiday!
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8th November 2015, 12:37
I am afraid a cruise would be totally out of the question for me - I go green (literally) the moment I set foot on a boat/ship at sea.

OK with speed boats though, but my favourite must be a gentle cruise along one of our canals - No problem there and it's only meant for a family or a small bunch of friends (6-8 at the very most) I can cope with that !

Not very happy either with coach trips with lots of people I don't know ! I don't think I am anti-social, (or I don't mean to be), simply I am far too independent to be part of anything that resembles a 'herd' , with excursions organized here and there for me.
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8th November 2015, 14:18
Yes, now a canal cruise would be good. I would like that!
6 to 8 people sounds ideal. Not the impersonality of a large cruise ship.
You certainly wouldn't get me on a coach trip, as I get very travel sick - I cannot even manage the bus if I have to travel further than three miles!
And I would hate to be "herded". I prefer doing what I like , when I like, where I like, and how I like!
.........and why not?

Now we are away out with the dog for a little while.......
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8th November 2015, 17:53
Hi, Rusty!
Come now... would you deprive me of a "senior moment"?
It is the first one that I have had today.........honest!
And I did get the parsing right even if made a typing error!
I had filled the answer in correctly in my own crossword.
The walk was not a riproaring success - the dog didn't really appreciate being unable to run about - she doesn't like being on the lead, although she walks nicely . I think she is happier in the garden whilst such restrictions are in force.
We don't know at what time we are to go to collect our friends from the station - the plane lands at 7pm, so anytime after that? They will phone when they are leaving Gatwick airport.
What have you been up to this afternoon?
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8th November 2015, 18:02
I suppose senior moments are ahead of me too, Elle.
Hopefully, doggie, will be running about soon.
I had a quiet afternoon.
Was quite rainy here.
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8th November 2015, 18:26
Ahead of you.........?
Rusty, are you trying to tell that you have NEVER HAD a senior moment ?!
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8th November 2015, 18:33
Of course not.
I am but a pup yet!
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8th November 2015, 18:40
ummm............... yes............ of course you are.......

but I am younger than you - and this isn't saying much for my mentality!
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8th November 2015, 18:42
Yea, a pup who is old enough to have two granddaughters who both drive and are in age to go to Uni ! :)
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