Hi, Rusty!
I do wonder where all this will lead to? If Russia is not allowed to participate in The Olympics, then some of the main competition will be removed - it makes you wonder whether it is worth continuing with the event if some of the major competitors are forced to withdraw?
Where is the glory in "winning," if there is no-one - or at least , fewer - of note to beat?
As you say, a nationwide problem, though......and one that needs to be dealt with across the board - with the same penalty for each miscreant.
(I always thought, for instance, that Dwain Chambers had a very raw deal)
And now for some GOOD news!
The vet has just phoned me about the dogs' result,s and the biopsy came back clear! The lump and the left anal gland are NOT cancerous!
The problem is (possibly chronic) inflammation of the gland tissue, but provided this remains free of infection, there will be nothing to worry about.
Meanwhile the dog is to continue with the anti- inflammatories for another week, then see the vet again next Tuesday, the 17th.
I am wondering if it might be advisable to remove the affected anal gland anyway? but I was so relieved by the fact that it isn't cancer, that I never thought to query that option.
But I can discuss all that with Maggie when we go back next week.
What a relief!!