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7th November 2015, 13:59
Don't advise going to the Goya unless you have prebooked on a wet Saturday, Elle. Last week the only slots left were the end of the day, and that was on Thursday for Saturday.
Very wet and windy here
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7th November 2015, 14:07
I always preferred the Impressionists too, but our daughter did an OU course on History of art, so we took her to see originals in various parts of Europe. I grew to love the early rinascimento (renaissance) Italian art - Fra Angelico, Giotto, Lippi etc. The Sainsbury Wing at the National has some excellent examples,

I may have told you this before. We've been to Florence several times, and one year we persuaded some friends to come too. The first morning we went to the Uffizi, and after about 20 minutes it became apparent that they didn't like art galleries!
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7th November 2015, 14:08
Ros, it will be next Wednesday if we do go there . Hopefully, there won' t be a need to book midweek?
I am compiling a list to send so that my friend can choose which exhibition she fancies.
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7th November 2015, 14:13
Oh dear, Chris, there is nothing worse that going around an Art Gallery with someone is unappreciative of what he/ she is viewing!
Yes, I've been round the Sainsbury Wing - one or six times!
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7th November 2015, 14:30
Elle, I would not last two minutes in an art gallery!
I like Ansel Adams photos, though.
I am home for the day now.
Just did a bit of driving for my son.
Time to read the paper.
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7th November 2015, 14:58
Rusty, it would never do if everyone liked the same things; just think how boring life would be! It is a person's individuality that makes him/ her interesting, don't you agree?
I could remain in an Art Gallery all day - and frequently do - but I have less tolerance for Museums, for instance. I do find them interesting, but a little at a time goes a long way! I need to process what particular topic I am researching/ interested in/ and then go away - coming back at a later date to study something else.
I work museums on an "easy does it" policy!
I would imagine that, as you enjoy factual reading, you are more interested in Museums?
Ansel Adams? I know virtually nothing about him, other than his being a photographer?
What is his speciality - and what attracts you so much to his photographs?
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7th November 2015, 16:08
Elle, I am not interested in Art in the slightest, though I like a nice landscape. Museums do not interest me, either.
I am a bit of a Neanderthal, I think.
Ansel Adams? I have no idea what he specialised in, but I have looked at some of his landscapes and thought they were super.
"Moonrise over Hernandez, New Mexico" is probably his best known one.
He had an "eye" for a photo. It is not by chance he took those wonderful pictures.
We have a blue sky!
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7th November 2015, 17:12
Hi, Rusty!
I have been educating myself by looking up Ansel Adams! That photograph that you like so much - "Moonrise over Hernandez, New Mexico" - apparently became so popular that Adams himself made over 1,300 photo prints of it during his career.
How about that for a titbit of information?
I also found other photographs - you are quite right; they really are superb - and would not be half so effective were they in colour. The black and white prints are perfect.
Blue sky? We have had none of that! and it has gone dark by now, of course.
I was looking in Anne Bradman's earlier at "tedium /tedious" and what do you think I found as one of the alternatives.......?
.......... "dreich"!!!
I checked it out in Chambers and discovered that 'dreich' can also means long-drawn -out, tedious and dreary. I didn't know that! I have only encountered it when you have referred to a wet day!
I'm forever learning something new!
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7th November 2015, 17:23
Elle, up here we only use dreich for weather, but Anne Bradford can do no wrong in my eyes so I accept what she says!
Our blue sky did not last long!
Glad you like Ansel Adams work.
He was the real deal!
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7th November 2015, 19:03
Hi Rusty!
Well, fortunately, my daughter and family are having better weather in Hastings than are we!
We have been feeling sorry for them all day, having envisaged them on the beach, building sandcastles in the rain!
But it turns out that the weather there has been kind to them - DRY, reasonably warm and very pleasant!
They are having a good time and the young one is loving the sea and sand.
A pity that the break will be over so quickly and they return home tomorrow!
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