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7th November 2015, 08:01
4000 posts now?
4001 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2015, 09:12
Good morning, Rusty!
I'm afraid that it is raining again here as well! and according to the forecast is set to do so for most of the day. Ah well!
Are you having a bet on Rickie? (I'm not sure whether you and Albie are just leading each other astray?! all this talk about betting on golf and horse-racing!)
Apart from the aesthetic pleasures of the links courses ( says she, a non -golfer), what are the other differences that make you prefer links to inland?
I'm glad that Jess won! she seems to be a very nice person. Lizzie did better than you expected from the poll?
The dog is doing great in herself! Full of beans, and eating well!
She has learnt to manipulate her "lampshade" and judge where she can and cannot "fit"!
She has to wear it, and stay on the lead ( she will hate that, as she likes to run - and no, I'm not keeping pace with her running!) until next Wednesday, according to vet's instructions.
Thank you for asking about her.
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7th November 2015, 09:18
Hello, Chris!
I'm thinking I might get the book - funnily enough , every time you don't like an ending, I always find I've enjoyed the book and appreciated it's enigmatic ending!
You like "tidy" ends. I rather like the feeling of being left up in the air.... having to decide for oneself how it might go/ have gone......
My copy of "Nation " hasn't arrived yet although I'm told it has been dispatched.
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7th November 2015, 09:20
Mmmm - it's not exactly that, elle - but I'll say noe more and leave you to decide.

I didn't bother to watch the film, though apparently the effects are very good.
4004 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2015, 09:36
Elle, that is my first soaking of the day over. Walked to ASDA and home.
Yes, I have invested 50p each way on young Rickie at 20-1.
Now, I must emphasise that all my bets are for fun. I even have a bet with Paddy P that the US president will announce that intelligent life has been found on a planet in the galaxy by 2020. 50 pence at 80-1!
I expect to lose, though it's nice when I don't! Nobody, except maybe Barney Curley, beats the bookies. If anyone says they regularly win, check the length of their nose!
I agree about Jess. Lovely person. So is Lizzie, too.
And both World champions!
Lizzie is getting wed next year.
To a Donegal man who rides for Team Sky!
That is good about doggie!
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7th November 2015, 09:45
Sorry, Elle!
I prefer the links courses because they are natural and a bit more rugged.
Not a fan of the "pretty" courses.
Carnoustie is just down the road from me and that can be a brute, especially when the wind is up!
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7th November 2015, 10:24
Chris, you have a habit of doing this to me, ......... I shall HAVE to buy the book now.....if only to find out what you mean!
4007 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2015, 10:26
Hi, Rusty!
I have yet to go down to the High Street to do a bit of shopping, but am awaiting a suitable lull in the pouring rain - it's also too windy to use an umbrella.
Yes, I know that your bets are only for fun! ( though of course nice when you win!)
I was just teasing you!
I didn't know that bookies were taking odds on there being intelligent life on a planet? And whoever is Barney Curley? Should I have heard of him?
(Do I look for a Pinnochio type nose in identifying him!)
That is interesting about the two different types of golf courses......I've never asked you.... do you play golf yourself?
4008 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2015, 11:31
Elle, rain has eased a bit, here. No wind, though.
Paddy P takes bets on just about anything.
I have had a bet on the next Pope's name, Royal babies names,
BGT, Alpine Skiing, racing, golf, cycling, election results, football, White Christmas, Sports Personality of the Year., Loads of stuff.
Just for a bit of fun, most times I lose, but I do appreciate the times when the Gods smile upon me!
Cheltenham Festival is the highlight of the year for me.
I am a fan of Willie Mullins, the Irish trainer.
Willie walks on water!
Barney is a legendary gambler. He has organised massive tilts at the bookies in the past. But I would not expect you to have heard of him.
Plenty on Google about his exploits.
I do not golf any more, and when I did I was pretty awful, but I enjoyed the game, and the fresh air etc! Now, I watch it to my hearts content on Sky Sports TV, when I choose to.
4009 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th November 2015, 13:23
Rusty, it is still very nasty outside here ! torrential rain and very heavy winds!
I have given up the idea of going shopping - nothing that cannot wait till Monday - and as the dog is supposed to keep her wound and the stitches dry (ish), the garden is the extent of our perambulations today, I think!
So you did play golf at one time........
Wasn't it Samuel Langhorne Clemens, aka "Mark Twain", who said that "Golf is a good walk spoiled"? (and before you - and any other golfers/ supporters are up in arms, that is not my personal opinion, I'm just citing the quotation!)
I have never played golf - I played tennis at every available opportunity and there was never time for another serious sport.
I am just to consult Google about which (if any) Art exhibition to visit next week when I meet my friend ( the one from Tewin) whom I meet every month up in London.
We may possibly go to the Goya exhibition at The National Gallery, but we both prefer Impressionism / Post Impressionism, so I shall see if I can find something of that genre.
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