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19th August 2015, 14:49
Two viewpoints, Chris - you missed the answer from the man's point of view given earlier!
3261 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th August 2015, 14:50
Me think ChrisE missed it on purpose !!!
3262 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th August 2015, 14:51
I did miss pigale's earlier post, elle - I've been busy today!
3263 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th August 2015, 14:53
Pigale - it wouldn' t have worked given in the plural. The sentence had to be able to be punctuated from both the male and the female point of view.
You were nearly correct with the 'please miss' one- only a couple of modifications needed...
3264 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th August 2015, 14:56
What about the other one?
How are you doing with that?
And where is Malone? He started all this!
3265 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th August 2015, 14:58


19th August 2015, 15:01
Yes Elle, I can see where I went wrong on the Miss one.

What about the That one - had me going mad !
3267 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th August 2015, 15:02
That, that is, is. That, that is not, is not. Is not that so? That is.
3268 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th August 2015, 15:05
Hi, Rusty!
How are you today?
I did put up the clue and Jazzgirl sorted it out for me!
I'm ashamed to say, though, that I ought to have been able to see the correct parsing! I was just fixated by another idea I had in my head!
Your lack of bell, and possibly doorknocker (?) put me in mind of when we were children going round to "call" for our friends..... ... quite literally we often did just that .......stood outside their doors and "called " their names!
(it never occurred to us to ring the bell or knock on the door!)
But, seriously, think of your visitors' poor knuckles? ( or should that be your poor visitors' knuckles? This punctuation malarkey is getting a hold......)
Maybe you should have a nice brass doorknocker?
So far as I know, we don't have those two stores near us - more's the pity!
Did you look up the light bulb websites? Were they of any use?
3269 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th August 2015, 15:05
Yes, should have thought a bit longer about That one !

Fun though !
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