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18th August 2015, 12:20
Thanks Jazzy, it brought back nice memories - Used to watch the series religiously when it first came out.
3231 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th August 2015, 12:23
Hi, Jazzy - and Pigale - that made me 'laugh out loud'!
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18th August 2015, 16:37
Elle, you cannot find where you got them from?
Light you up a lamp and you'll see!
My ASDA bulbs will do me, I think.
Well, that's my joiner away and my door all measured up etc, and Miss L Plate fed and watered!
I can relax now and tackle the crossword after tea!

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18th August 2015, 17:41
hi elle
I cannot fine the address of the light bulbs and asking husband is pointless,his desk looks as if it had been ransacked,but Amazon do them 60 and 100watt bayonet fittings quite cheaply too
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18th August 2015, 19:33
Hi, Rusty!
I'm sorry that neither I (at the moment anyway) nor Doglet can find the website from which we bought all the light bulbs!
And no, it doesn't indicate from whence it came on the bulb itself.
But it sounds from what you say as though you are able to get them from Asda?
If so, you are very fortunate as old-style light bulbs have been unavailable in the shops here for a long time, hence my buying in bulk online.
What sort of door did you and the joiner agree upon?
Are you having a double-glazed wooden door? or just a solid door without any glass? It's impressive having it made to measure!
The day never brightened here - it's looked on the point of rain all day , altho it has remained dry.
This afternoon we went for a long walk in one of the more distant country parks.
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18th August 2015, 20:40
Too bad about your weather, Elle.
No, ASDA have the modern dim bulbs which render me speechless with fury! But they shall suffice in the meantime.
The joiner and me are going for a wooden door with brass ironmongery and no glass. There will be new door facings (I think they are called) too. He has it all measured up now, but it will be about 6 weeks or so before he can fit it. He is busy with new builds etc.
So, that's fine, d'ye see!
Crossword complete and I have started reading Do No Harm.
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18th August 2015, 21:10
Rusty, do you have B & M Stores or Home Bargains near you? I bought old-fashioned/traditional/normal light bulbs there recently. These shops seem to stock things that have been discontinued everywhere else!
Enjoy 'Do No Harm' - I think that'd be a good motto for us all, not just doctors.
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18th August 2015, 21:18
Hi, Rusty!
Your new door sounds very posh! You will have it fitted in good time for the winter months anyway.
Mind you, it's getting chilly already in the early mornings and late evenings........Autumn is nigh?
Now... I have found the original website from which we bought all the light bulbs, plus another similar one from Amazon.
And when I say we bought in bulk, I really do mean it.......we bought 100 light bulbs!! And are extremely pleased with them!
I will attempt to send both links - the first one is the one that I used.
I hope they may be of some use.
I look forward to hearing about "Do No Harm" - I'm sure it will prove interesting!
I'm reading a Lyn MacD at the moment.
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18th August 2015, 21:23
P. S. I don't know why the entire line of the first link didn't turn blue? you may have to copy and paste the link into the address bar to get the correct page.
Otherwise type in "incandescent light bulbs"
Hope this helps?
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18th August 2015, 22:51
Malone, I have a Home Bargains a couple of miles away.
I shall pop in later this week. I am going in that direction for a battery for my car remote doofer.
Read one chapter if Do No Harm. Excellent!
There is a photo of Dr Marsh on inside back cover.
He has huge hands like a brickie! Not what I imagined a brain surgeon to have!
Elle, it is not a posh door! My joiner and me want a plainish, simplish door, like myself! With a letterbox. No bell or anything. Less is more, as the man said!
I do not find it cold in the mornings yet.
Bit early to be chilly.
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