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18th August 2015, 10:50
Rusty, I really enjoyed 'Do No Harm' - but I would have loved it even more if I could have watched the surgeries involved.
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18th August 2015, 10:58
That's great, Malone!
I am looking forward to it a lot.
The reviews say he is an excellent writer as well as a great surgeon. Very encouraging!
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18th August 2015, 10:58
Elle, I find the way language - and our use of language - evolves to be quite fascinating. My children used to lecture their grandparents on various words that were no longer acceptable - I remember my father-in-law sighing once and saying, 'So what words CAN I use? Will you write me out a list?'
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18th August 2015, 11:19
Hi, Rusty!
I'm sitting at the desk top, dealing with emails, doing the Times QC crossword, and drinking (Nescafe Blend 37) coffee - and writing to you!
I think you will find "Do No Harm" to be an interesting book. Yes, I know St. Georges Hospital. It is now all centred in Tooting, although there used to be two branches.
There is now an Atkinson Morley Wing at St. George's, although until the early 2000s (2003 I think?) the Atkinson Morley was a separate hospital in Wimbledon.
I dimly recall "Your Life in Their Hands" but not the other programme .
Did you say that it was next month when Miss L-plate takes her driving test? You will have to get her a set of the green "P" plates for the "newly passed" driver! My younger daughter said that she thought having those on her car, immediately after passing her test, was very useful, as it made other drivers more patient with her!
I hope Fang will be on full alert when you go out......
P.S. I do so agree with you about light bulbs!
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18th August 2015, 11:43
Hello, Elle!
I am looking forward to reading Do No Harm.
Five Families is full of horrible people, but at least in the second half the "goodies" are starting to win.
I think November was mentioned as her "definite" test date, but she was told to phone/check on-line every day to see if there was a cancellation.
But, I am not privy to that info!
I am going to explore if I can get proper light bulbs on-line on eBay or Amazon. Dim light bulbs are no good to me!
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18th August 2015, 11:47
Hello everyone !

Nice morning here.

Without reopening a discussion that now appears to e closed, I would just like to say that even my bilingual dictionary gives one of the meaning of pike as meaning ' a comtemptible person' - given the right context of course . This dictionary is excellent, it's a Collins Roberts, senior edition - ie extended version.

Malone, I agree with you that language evolution is fascinating - it is also good to see that languages can evolve in this way because they are alive; if they remained static, they would soon become as dormant as Latin or Ancient Greek.

We have a lot of import from our various imigrant population and I find that the minute I understand a new term, I am already 'old fashioned' because this word has already been replaced by another! It's all a question of fashion, albeit certain words are there to stay and will be tomorrow's common language.

If I was still engaged in translation work, I would have to invest in a new bilingual dictionary almost every year!
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18th August 2015, 11:57
Rusty, I bought some "ordinary" light bulbs online quite a while ago and only recently sent the reference to Doglet, who has now bought some herself. Unfortunately, I now cannot find (but will continue to look) where I got them from!
However , in the meantime , we shall ask Doglet about them, in case she has kept her was only a few weeks ago!
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18th August 2015, 11:57
Rusty, I bought some "ordinary" light bulbs online quite a while ago and only recently sent the reference to Doglet, who has now bought some herself. Unfortunately, I now cannot find (but will continue to look) where I got them from!
However , in the meantime , we shall ask Doglet about them, in case she has kept her was only a few weeks ago!
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18th August 2015, 11:58
Sorry about the duplication - I was having trouble dispatching the message!
(it's now like buses......)
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18th August 2015, 12:12

Sorry! Just couldn't resist ;)
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