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16th August 2015, 19:51
oh, I see! and there was I looking for hidden meanings!
That means you are famous, jazzy!
3171 of 30765  -   Report This Post


16th August 2015, 19:57
Here is the thread. Happy times. Lots of fun
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16th August 2015, 20:03
I think Trevor and Pastille were also in the quiz
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16th August 2015, 20:52
Good evening, Elle! Cafe. No. I have my Hudl set to do what I type because I once achieved 19 out of 20 for spelling at school. I was very pleased. My teacher in that class was a nun, and we were not a match made in heaven! She had a very dismal outlook on life.
Jesus would be in no rush to make her a sunbeam!
We went to the Pine Cone, and it was fine.
My granddaughter had a large slice of Dundee cake and green tea, and I had a bacon roll and j2o.
Then she went to town for new running shoes and dropped me near home.
Yes, the young one's have the street cred! Not me!
There was even a remark that she would not lose me in the dark, wearing the shirt I had on, and wouldn't it be a good idea if she took me shirt-shopping one day.
Golf is smashing. A beautiful day in Wisconsin with a breeze coming off Lake Michigan, and not a hooligan in sight! Bliss!
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16th August 2015, 21:43
Hi, Rusty!
I don't have 'spell check' or any such thing set on the computer ( I'm using the desk top) - the accent just appeared - like "Topsy", it "just grew"!
I don't know whether that would happen on the Hudl? The Hudl battery is flat, so the tablet is now charging.
We used to sing "Jesus wants me for a sunbeam" at Sunday School"!
We also sang "Hear the pennies dropping...." as the collection plate was passed around! I'm not sure what to think about that one....!
I like Dundee cake but not the 'tea' bit!
Dare I ask what colour/ design of/ shirt you were wearing....? or is that best kept a secret.....?
I've just been chatting to my cousin on the phone. If we restrict the talk to just under an hour, the call is "free"! We talk once a week; the time goes very quickly though!
She lives in Blackburn, in Lancashire - not all that far from Bolton, where I was brought up.
It's been a while since we were last up North.
Thirsty work, all that talking... time for a coffee......
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16th August 2015, 22:01
Elle, it is a very nice shirt from Marks and Spencer.
Do you have them down there?
Short sleeved summer shirt, but bright yellow.
She said it is like an omelette.
I think green tea is revolting!
Elle, if you hang up whenst talking to your cousin, you can recall her, and it should be another hour's free talk?

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16th August 2015, 22:32
We have both shirts and Marks and Spencer down here , Rusty!
(I had to chuckle at the 'omelette' simile !)
I think tea of any description is revolting!
Yes, you are quite right - we could ring back and get another hour of 'free' chat, but even I (!) have to draw the line somewhere!!
I think our package with BT includes free land line calls up to an hour a "go", but you can ring back as many time as you like. Mobile calls are 'half price'.
I've noticed though that BT are offering much better deals to "new" customers- I think they and I need to have a little talk.....
Maybe I can negotiate a better deal.....
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16th August 2015, 22:55
Elle, I like cheery shirts!
I had a change in contract with BT not long ago.
I was on a limited broadband package and told them I was leaving for Plustalk or Sky.
They changed my contract instantly to unlimited broadband at less than half the price I had been paying.
Elle, get phoning!
Another one who I did chase was Norton/Symantec.
They, on annual renewal, more than doubled the amount they wanted. I phoned them and cancelled.
On the phone they offered to go back to the original charge, but I chased them and got free AVG instead.
Before calling BT, I suggest getting comparison figures from other suppliers to quote to them.
I am convinced they will reduce your rate.
Tell them you are very poor as well.
I do, and find it works.
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16th August 2015, 23:14
Another tip for you, Elle, is to speak in a very friendly manner to BT.
No point in annoying them.
You could practice your friendly manner on your husband before phoning BT.
I am sure it will reward you.
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16th August 2015, 23:54
Rusty, I am always friendly and polite (well, most of the time!) except when I am talking to those people who keep ringing me up to tell me there is something amiss with my computer.......this happens on average at least twice a day......
I couldn't resist winding up the last guy who rang.... I let him go on and on and on.....until he asked me if I had the computer switched on now, and could I look at the screen.
When I replied 'No, I'm afraid that won't be possible', he asked me why not.
I replied that it wasn't possible as actually I didn't HAVE a computer....he had obviously been misinformed......
He hung up on me!
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