Good evening, , Rusty!
That is rather a poor do , isn't it?
Two clues on successive days that need adjustment?
The Times Setters need to pull up their respective socks!
I, too, shall need to go to the Crematorium again at the end of next week, this time to commemorate my dad's death and to take the Christmas wreath.
It is a busy time all round at present.
Tomorrow, we have another PPG meeting to attend at the surgery.
I feel we are probably flogging a dead horse, as it sounds like the PCCC intends to close down our Medical Practice come what may.
But we might as well go down fighting!
There has been a lot of support from patients from other local surgeries, who do not want additional patients added to their own practice lists.
They say that getting an appointment with their respective GPs is difficult enough at is, and they have "rushed" consultations with the doctor, when they do eventually get to see him.
The whole situation is appalling!
Your grandson will probably have already been to visit you?
Is it tonight that he goes to play football?