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11th December 2019, 13:46
Hello, Elle,
It is a fine afternoon, now, but windy.
Puzzle not as difficult today.
Couple of new words for me, though.
Yes, the dog will be fine.
He is very much part of the family!
30311 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2019, 15:37
Hi, Rusty!
I am beginning to panic at the rapid approach of Christmas!
Every year, I promise myself that I will be well organised......
So why does this never happen?
The only thing on my agenda that I have so far dealt with, is the writing and posting of my Christmas cards.
There is little on my "presents" list that I have yet purchased!
Oh dear!
Yes, a much easier puzzle today , although I cannot quite follow one of my supposed parses?
17d: Individual in force runs to get convict (8)
prisoner = convict (def)
prise - force
one - individual
r - runs
This leaves me with an extra "e" ????
I cannot see any alternative , though?
How did you parse this clue?
Strong coffee obviously needed !
30312 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2019, 16:11
Hello, Elle!
I have done my cards!
Only thing to do is the cemetery visit (next week) and maybe buying a steak pie for my Christmas dinner.
17d, I have the same parse as you, Elle, but had not noticed the extra "e".
Well spotted!
Wonder if there is an error in the clue?
It is the same online.
My grandson is coming to see me after work.
That will be fine!
30313 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2019, 16:36
Update, Elle!
Ref 17d.
The Times has changed the clue online.
It now reads,
"I run after force that's tailed a convict".
"Pris(e) one r".
30314 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2019, 18:59
Good evening, , Rusty!
That is rather a poor do , isn't it?
Two clues on successive days that need adjustment?
The Times Setters need to pull up their respective socks!
I, too, shall need to go to the Crematorium again at the end of next week, this time to commemorate my dad's death and to take the Christmas wreath.
It is a busy time all round at present.
Tomorrow, we have another PPG meeting to attend at the surgery.
I feel we are probably flogging a dead horse, as it sounds like the PCCC intends to close down our Medical Practice come what may.
But we might as well go down fighting!
There has been a lot of support from patients from other local surgeries, who do not want additional patients added to their own practice lists.
They say that getting an appointment with their respective GPs is difficult enough at is, and they have "rushed" consultations with the doctor, when they do eventually get to see him.
The whole situation is appalling!
Your grandson will probably have already been to visit you?
Is it tonight that he goes to play football?
30315 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2019, 19:19
Hello, Elle!
Not very good at all by The Times!
Not sure if it is the setter or editor to blame.
The editor should take responsibility for the content?
Yes, keep battling away to save your surgery.
At my surgery the consultations are ten minutes, unless you book a double one.
I have never felt rushed, though.
My grandson left a wee while ago.
He is going to his girl's folks for his tea.
30316 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2019, 20:01
HI, Rusty!
Well, I guess it is the crossword setter's mistake, but the buck stops at the editor?
I think the primary problem with the GP surgeries in our area is the length of time spent waiting for an appointment.
I am told it can be up to three weeks at some surgeries.
That to me seems excessive
One 's condition could be severely exacerbated by the long wait!
I have no complaints about our own surgery's waiting times, but then we have four doctors at our medical centre, though, whereas two of the other four local surgeries only have one doctor apiece.
Yet the powers- that- be want to close ours down......bureaucratic madness!
How long does it take you to get an appointment to see a doctor at your surgery?
BTW, how are the "new" house rejuvenations coming along?
is your son doing most of the work himself?
30317 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2019, 20:15
Hello, Elle!
My newly repaired crown has fallen out!
For me it is the editors fault.
I think the content is his responsibility.
Surely the setter would have noticed his mistake before submitting it.
I read that the esteemed Araucaria, sent his puzzles to a woman who solved them before publication, to make sure they were up to scratch.
At my surgery I can get a same day appointment with a GP, if required.
Though the normal waiting time would be more than a week.
Not heard about the new house today!
I texted earlier but no reply yet.
Must be busy!
30318 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2019, 21:05
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear, I am sorry about your crown!
This has fallen out a few times now, hasn't it?
I wonder will you need a new one?
I hope not, as they are expensive.
Were you eating at the time?
Election day tomorrow.....
I shall go to vote as soon as I return from my early morning walk...before the polling station gets too busy.
30319 of 30765  -   Report This Post


11th December 2019, 21:33
Hello, Elle!
That is the third time it has came adrift.
I'll perhaps not bother to get it fixed.
I can manage fine without it.
I posted my vote a few days ago.
I am fed up listening to politicians.
30320 of 30765  -   Report This Post