Hi, Rusty!
Phew! I am only just home again.
Our earlier posts crossed! Did you realise?
I was just telling you that I had to go out, as you were very kindly sending solutions to the crossword clues
I know of Higg's Particle in Particle Physics but didn't 'see' this in the clue!
Thank you for the explanation.
I would not have thought that "dour" meant "determined", but you and Anne B think so..... so that is good enough for me.
Jeremy Fisher is a small frog in Beatrix Potter's books.
It was a long PPG meeting - over two hours - and no cakes this time!
We has quite a number of items on the agenda, to discuss, before we even reached the future of the practice.
Doors have opened slightly, in that respect, for discussion between the upper echelons....
It is very early days in negotiation.
But fingers crossed for a more positive outcome.
I now need to find something for us to eat......