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12th December 2019, 14:20
Stephen Jay Gould was much taken by spandrels, and used them for an idea in evolutionary theory. See this article:
30331 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th December 2019, 17:12
Hi, Rusty!
Phew! I am only just home again.
Our earlier posts crossed! Did you realise?
I was just telling you that I had to go out, as you were very kindly sending solutions to the crossword clues
I know of Higg's Particle in Particle Physics but didn't 'see' this in the clue!
Thank you for the explanation.
I would not have thought that "dour" meant "determined", but you and Anne B think so..... so that is good enough for me.
Jeremy Fisher is a small frog in Beatrix Potter's books.
It was a long PPG meeting - over two hours - and no cakes this time!
We has quite a number of items on the agenda, to discuss, before we even reached the future of the practice.
Doors have opened slightly, in that respect, for discussion between the upper echelons....
It is very early days in negotiation.
But fingers crossed for a more positive outcome.
I now need to find something for us to eat......
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12th December 2019, 17:35
Hello, Elle!
The "particle" was new to me, whatever is it!
Chambers has dour=determined, too.
You have appeared to have made a bit of progress regarding the surgery's future.
I have had my tea.
Mackerel and tatties!
30333 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th December 2019, 19:11
Good evening, Rusty!
I have had Shepherd's pie and mushy peas!
Very nice.
I feel much the better for some sustenance.
I must have been far hungrier than I thought!
Our car goes to the garage tomorrow morning for a repair to the driver's door.
The rubber seal is going round the door, so the mechanic is going to replace it .
I think it will be a quick job?
I have hope of fitting in a bit of presents shopping, and would like the car as accompaniment will save our carrying a lot of [packages home on the bus!
30334 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2019, 07:30
Good morning, Elle!
Heavy rain here and a strong wind a-blowing!
Now, should I venture out, or not. Decision to make!
I do not need anything apart from my paper and a book of stamps.
So may stay home.
I would say your door seal would be a fairly quick job, but I am no expert!
I don't buy presents so I don't have your problems of carrying stuff home etc.
The garage I use always asks what time I need my car back for, and do their best to comply.
Why not ask your garage for a time?
They will know how long they need your car for.
30335 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2019, 10:28
Good morning, Rusty!
We have had rain throughout the night, but it is fading out now.
I think we may be in for a dry, but dull, day.
I am a tad tired this morning......
I was up late watching the first election results come in, and also switched on the TV early this morning to hear the (final) result, before taking out the dog for her walk.
The car is now down at the garage.
We have gained a scrape down the side , so I am hoping they can fix that. too, as well as the door seal.
I suspect that one of the several white vans ( it is white paint on our car!) belonging to Thames Water is responsible for the damage.
There are several in our street, coming and going, and there is not much room for them to manoeuvre.
Did you go out for your paper in the end...or remain home in the dry?
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13th December 2019, 11:27
Hello, Elle!
I went out for my paper!
Was heavy rain, too.
I watched a bit of the election results but I am heartily sick listening to it.
Seems to have gone on for ever.
Puzzle complete, but a couple of parses to fathom.
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13th December 2019, 12:36
Hi, Rusty!
Surprisingly, it is sunshining here!
I am interested at this stage in following the election commentaries.
( I may get bored later in the day!)
I thought Boris made a good speech early this morning?
However , I appreciate that this is not a platform for politics, so will make no further references , or personal comments on the subject. in case it is considered out of place.
I haven't yet finished today's crossword .......too much else to gain my attention!
I very much doubt I will be able to help you with your parsings, as you are so much better at it than I......but you can always ask!
(I may yet surprise both of us!)
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13th December 2019, 13:30
Hello, Elle,
The rain has eased a bit here, and I took myself out for a walk.
I did not hear Johnson's speech.
I can't be doing with the man, though.
I have nailed most of my parses except one.
I think the setter knows better than me regarding a word, but I shall explore..
Mind you, Elle, there have been a couple of clues changed already this week, so who knows!
30339 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2019, 15:03
Hi, Rusty!
I am waiting for my husband to come back with the car....but I don't think we shall go shopping today will be far too late, to be practical.
Boris is quite popular here......
He did a good job as Mayor of London, during his two terms.......not as effectively as did his predecessor, Ken Livingstone, in my opinion, but a reasonable effort.
Certainly better than the present incumbent.
Anyway, whatever one's thoughts, the die is let us hope that the outcome is beneficial for the majority.
I have made a decision...... I shall take the dog for a walk!
30340 of 30765  -   Report This Post