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13th December 2019, 17:26
Hello, Elle!
The shops often stay open late as Christmas approaches and there is always Amazon if you have no car.
I have read a bit about Johnson and suffice to say I would not be giving him elbow room at the bar.
Just one parse left, and I won't get it.
I suspect the setter knows something that I don't!
30341 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2019, 17:36
A few weeks ago I read an article about BoJo by Max Hastings, who was his editor when Johnson was writing for the Spectator. Hastings was scathing about him; he was lazy and had very poor attention span. One phrase I particularly remember was "the only people who like him are those who have never met him"!
30342 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2019, 18:19
Good evening, Rusty!
Brrh! It is extremely cold out!
It stayed fine, though.
I did most of the crossword?
I just didn't get around to completing it, as I was otherwise occupied.
I liked 9a: mea culpa ;11a: raillery; 7d: Alberich ; 17a: Arachne
I couldn't parse 5d?
Is that the one that stumped you?
30343 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2019, 18:37
Good evening, Elle!
It is fairly chilly here, but it is dry now, at least!
I have "emerald" for 5d?
"me" is in clue, surrounded by beheaded "(G)erald"/man.
Is my parse. Any help?
I had not heard of Alberich before, or "toilsome"!
My problem is with 9a "mea culpa".
"I'm sorry" is my definition in the clue.
Copper is "Cu", secretary is PA (Personal assistant).
Which leaves me with "meal" and the only bit left in the clue is "restaurant rendezvous".
I have looked up the meanings in Chambers of meal, restaurant, and rendezvous and can not get it to work.
Why is "restaurant rendezvous" = "meal"?
What am I not seeing, or knowing?
30344 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2019, 19:35
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, light dawns.....thank you!......"Gerald" of course!
I have "emerald" = "stone" (definition )
me - in clue
I couldn't think of a man's name from which I could take the first letter to get "erald"!
So I thought I was on the wrong lines......
I didn't see a problem with "mea culpa" = "I'm sorry"/ I'm to blame; it's my fault (definition )
cu - copper
meal - restaurant rendezvous
PA- secretary
I took it as 'going for a meal' equated ' meeting up in a restaurant'?
It didn't seem a problem at the time of solving!
30345 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2019, 20:00
Hello, Elle!
I think Gerald is a better fit than herald, which could be a man or woman, too.
I will agree with you that "going for a meal" could take place at a "restaurant rendezvous".
But that is not in the clue?
However it is dressed up, "restaurant rendezvous" is not "meal".
A rendezvous is a meeting, or a place to meet.
I think it is unsatisfactory.
But there have been errors already this week, could this be another one?
30346 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2019, 20:42
Hi, Rusty!
I am confused....what has "herald" got to do with the clue?
That surely does not mean "man " or "woman"?
I cannot find that in either my Thesaurus or Bradford's?
I wasn't worried about "mea culpa"..... but now I'm not so sure.
Oh dear!
My brain is turning to mush!
Never mind...weekend is coming!
Do you have anything nice planned?
30347 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2019, 20:51
Hello, Elle!
A herald can be a person.
"An officer who made public announcements".
But, I thought Gerald more likely.
Herald can be a duck, too, I did not know that.
Don't be worrying about "mea culpa".
It may be OK, just me that can't see it!
Only plan for the weekend is meeting Miss O on Sunday.
Miss L-B is working Sat and Sun, but I will see her during the week.
30348 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2019, 21:59
Hi, Rusty!
It will be nice for you and Miss O to go out together on Sunday.
I expect, though, that the Pine Cone will be especially busy, it being so close to Christmas.
Are you able to reserve a table?
I plan to play catch up over the weekend , doing "Christmassy" things that I should already have ticked off my list by now!
I don't think I have ever been as behind in my organisation as I am this year.
Too much else has been happening......!
30349 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th December 2019, 22:13
Hello, Elle!
The Pine Cone will be busy, yes.
My grandson was there during the week getting a Christmas tree, and was very pleased with what he got.
No booking that I know of.
We are happy to share a table, too, but not everyone is.
There were two ladies joined Miss L-B and me at our table one day.
The waitress asked us if it would be OK, and it was.
A mother and daughter. The mother was 98!
The daughter was about my own age.
And we all had a good chat!
I am ahead of the Christmas game.
Cards are written and stamped, and I just have to post them.
30350 of 30765  -   Report This Post