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13th November 2019, 16:22
Elle, I was happy to pass on the information about your clue. I too hate it when something - not necessarily a crossword clue - is niggling away at me.

Rusty and Cerasus, in the past week I've had three fake Amazon emails, a fake Apple email and a fake TV licence email, all asking me to update my details or validate my account. I binned them all.
29961 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 16:28
I have had numerous phone calls in the last few days with a recorded message claiming to be from my "Internet provider" (unspecified!), saying that my connection has been used illegally and I will be cut off unless I press "1" to speak to someone. Needless to say I haven't, and I still seem to be online....
29962 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 17:09
Hi, Rusty!
Funnily enough, after asking you about the parsing for "therm", I later picked up my book and carried on reading about the war experiences of the narrator.......
And what did I come across but a description of the wartime landings on the beach in Italy......and the phrase "with an amphibious assault..." !
How about that for a coincidence!
Spooky, eh?
So.....yes, "therm " is "The RM"!
Thank you again for your help!
You must be worried about the icy roads, with so many of your family needing to drive some distance to and from work.....
It is very sensible to warn your grandson of the need to be careful.
Is it tonight that he goes on to play football?
Have a nice time chatting with him!

Thank you, Chris!
I suppose I should have seen "The RM", but then later I came across a reference in my book that helped me with the answer!
I get those type of phone calls, too, purporting either to be from BT about my telephone connection, or from my "Internet Provider" with regard to my computer.
I report them to 1572, which then blocks those numbers.
29963 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 17:49
Hello all
I get numerous calls saying my internet will be disconnected. Most show UK phone numbers which I instantly block. However, I have discovered these are fake numbers or spoofs generated from a "fake number" website. . The gangs (often in Nigeria or beyond) use these . Strangely, they choose fake numbers showing the area in Penicuik, Midlothian ! I once tried calling the number (witholding my own number) and the call was inrrupted with a BT message telling me the number did not exist.
29964 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 17:53
29965 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 18:38
Hello, Cerasus,
I get these calls, too, about my internet being disconnected.
It is a change from the ones about "the car accident you were involved in that was not your fault"!
29966 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 18:46
Hello, Elle!
That's a co-incidence!
I had similar about amphibious troops!
My grandson was here and I was telling him about today being the anniversary of the day the "Fighting Sullivan" brothers were killed, when the USS Juneau was sunk during the battle of Guadalcanal.
He has gone now. He's off to the Uni library to study.
He said the roads are slippy.
29967 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 19:48
Good evening, Rusty!
These "coincidences" are uncanny, aren't they?!
I am reading another book by Sebastian Faulks - "Where My Heart Used to Beat" - and was really taken aback when "amphibious assault" loomed up on my page!
There apparently was no "Eggheads " tonight"!
I had set the recorder as usual, but when I came to watch it, I found tennis instead!
Perhaps the programme time had been changed?
Or may the tennis match overran the recording time.
Ah well!
It is raining heavily here now, and has become very cold indeed.
29968 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 21:12
Hello, Elle!
It is cold here, too.
1C* outside. Slippy surfaces.
The tennis may have overran.
The length of a match is unpredictable, as you know.
I am a bit surprised the tennis is not on Red Button instead of a main channel?
29969 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2019, 21:38
Hi, Rusty!
I have checked the local weather forecast, and the rain is set to continue now throughout the night until 1 pm tomorrow!
We shall need canoes to get down the street in the morning!
But I shouldn't joke...because of course so very many areas are having serious flood problems, even endangering lives......
We are fortunate that our part of the UK seems to be getting off lightly.
Yes, surprisingly the BBC has been very generous this week, and we have nearly three hours of the ATP World Tour Finals from the 02 every afternoon, on BBC2.
I have seen hardly any tennis though, as I am usually out walking the dog during that period.
And tomorrow I am going out for lunch!
29970 of 30765  -   Report This Post