Hi, Rusty!
Hi, Rusty!
I expect you enjoyed the chat with your neighbour, even if it resulted in a shorter walk!
I, too, popped out for a short while with the dog, but I made sure we were safely home before the likelihood of any fireworks being let off......
There are a lot of bangs..... and phut-phutting noises...... going on now!
I am not sure that I agree with you about "apocope"?
According to Chambers, the word means "the cutting off of the last sound or syllable".......
I would consider zoo, photo, typo, and similar to be "abbreviations"?
Perhaps "runnin / jumpin" might be "apocopes"?
Certainly the last sound (the hard "g") is missing there.
But I really do not understand the term?
And when I looked for an example, I found "cuppa tea" offered, as Chris has said.
Now, that doesn't make sense to me either, as what sound or syllable is missing there?
Rather, it would seem that "a" was substituted for "of" in that instance?
This is beyond my comprehension?