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21st October 2019, 17:28
Hello, Elle!
Poor you with the weather.
it has been sunny all day here.
Rose was possibly on holiday, when you bought your paper.
There is a lad who stands in for her, I think, but his name escapes me.
I thought today's puzzle was fairly tricky.
14d, is a new word to me.
Joyce Cansfield, apart from her crossword and Scrabble skills, enjoyed Alpine skiing and boating on the Norfolk Broads.
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21st October 2019, 17:38
Hi elle
"Outnumbered" is often repeated (on Dave for instance?). It's based around a family with three children, who start quite young. Much of their dialogue is improvised. It was often very, very funny!
29592 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2019, 18:22
Good evening, Rusty!
Yes, a very hard puzzle - for me - today.
I did better with the across clues.
Usually I like to work systematically from the top left hand corner , building up as I doing across and down clues more-or-less in turn.....
However, today I couldn't get going with the "down" ones, so did what I could of the across clues, first.
That way , the crossers then in place helped somewhat with the remainder of the puzzle.
But it has taken me on and off all day to get as far as I have .......
And I still have eight clues remaining unsolved!
I especially liked 20a: candle; 26a: locum tenens ( I was helped there, by knowing the Latin!); 29a: otoscope; and 7d: pontoon.
I shall bow out of those left unsolved .......there are too many outstanding to seek help!
Maybe I shall do better tomorrow!

Hello, Chris!
I had never heard of the channel "Dave", but have since discovered I can get it on "Freeview", so will keep an eye for your programme "Outnumbered" !
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21st October 2019, 18:40
Hello, Elle!
Yes, a tricky puzzle.
I liked "something wicked/candle"!
Yes, best leave it.
No point in tormenting yourself and there will be another along tomorrow!
It is colder tonight!
Now, it was not always perfect harmony on "The Waltons"!
In this clip Erin, and big sister, Mary-Ellen, are not quite seeing eye to eye!

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21st October 2019, 19:06
Hi again elle
The channel "Dave" was named after Dave Lister, a character in Red Dwarf - unsurprisingly, repeats of this programme often feature! I regularly watch old QI repeats on Dave.
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21st October 2019, 20:10
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I think today has been chilly throughout......and it is still raining here!!!!
I liked the clip you sent!
I have often wondered, though , would we still enjoy the programmes that we used to watch in our "youth", were we to view them again now?
I remember liking "The Liver Birds" ; "Man about the House"; Hannah Gordon in at least three series - "Telford's Change" /"My Wife Next Door"/ and "Joint Account"; "Second Time Around"; "As Time Goes By"........
Not to mention the Westerns that we have oft discussed before..."Rawhide" (Keep them dogies rolling...) ; "Wagon Train"; "Bonanza".......
Have I missed anything outstanding?
Nowadays, I watch very little television.......there is never anything I find I really want to see!
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21st October 2019, 20:46
Hello, Elle!
It is certainly chilly here!
Apart from the ones you mentioned, I liked "Little House on the Prairie".
And when the girls were young we loved "Two of a Kind"!
But it was on the Children's Channel, or Nickleodeon, perhaps.
I have just watched "Who Wants to be a Millionaire".
The last episode until next year.
I do not watch much TV, and I tend to record things to watch at leisure.
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21st October 2019, 20:55
I had a triumph in the "What's the fourth?" in QI tonight:
4th Winter Holiday
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21st October 2019, 20:57
P.S. Neither team got it after seeing 2 and 3!

I'm sure some regular visitors here will get it straight away too!
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21st October 2019, 21:22
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I remember your telling me about you and the girls watching "Two of a Kind" ......the Olsen twins, Mary - Kate and Ashley.
But I never saw the programme myself....I don't even remember its being on the television.
Surely, "Little House on the Prairie" is a book...... by somebody -or-other Wilder, I think?
Part of a series of "Little House" books.....
I didn't know it was a TV programme?
Presumably, then, based on the book?
I've wiped my recorder clear of all outstanding programmes that I had never got around to watching!
A clean slate! until they gradually build up again!
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