Good morning, Rusty!
Wet here yet again!
Very poggy walk this morning!
I think, though, that we are promised the rain will stop by lunchtime.
I am not sure whether you are about?
Or off carrying out your few tasks?
I am glad that you agree with the comments I made about the criticism currently being levied at compilers of crosswords ( in particular, made regularly on a Sunday against the Everyman setter, usually by the same persons)
I feel it unjust for a would-be solver to blame it all on the crossword setter, when he/ she (the solver) falls short of answering a clue!
Or they cannot successfully parse it!
One's own ineptitude does not make the clue a "bad" one", or the setter to blame!
I myself am forever struggling with the daily Times clues....but I know I have a lot still to learn.
Hopefully, I am gradually making progress.
Ok, rant finished!
There is still no sign, or word of my pet shop delivery...
I am going to try to chase it up .....