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21st October 2019, 08:24
Hello, Malone!
I discovered on YouTube that the cast of The Waltons did many reunions.
They would all meet up and shoot the breeze about their time on the show.
They all seemed to be genuine friends and said they had a great time making the show.
I liked "Bonanza", too. Hoss was my favourite in that!
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21st October 2019, 10:36
Good morning, Rusty!
Wet here yet again!
Very poggy walk this morning!
I think, though, that we are promised the rain will stop by lunchtime.
I am not sure whether you are about?
Or off carrying out your few tasks?
I am glad that you agree with the comments I made about the criticism currently being levied at compilers of crosswords ( in particular, made regularly on a Sunday against the Everyman setter, usually by the same persons)
I feel it unjust for a would-be solver to blame it all on the crossword setter, when he/ she (the solver) falls short of answering a clue!
Or they cannot successfully parse it!
One's own ineptitude does not make the clue a "bad" one", or the setter to blame!
I myself am forever struggling with the daily Times clues....but I know I have a lot still to learn.
Hopefully, I am gradually making progress.
Ok, rant finished!
There is still no sign, or word of my pet shop delivery...
I am going to try to chase it up .....
29582 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2019, 11:03
Hello, Elle!
I am home now! Tasks complete, almost.
Have to 'phone NHS about a survey they want me to participate in, and that will be me for the day.
Had to scrape the windscreen today.
Hard frost!
Roads are fine though.
I agree, completely, regarding unfair criticism of setters.
All too easy for them to blame setters for their own failings.
I think it a very positive thing that you struggle with The Times puzzle, Elle!
That's the whole idea, surely, a battle of wits between the setter and you?
I think you are doing great, and I have not heard you complain about the setters.
Mr Rogan will be very pleased with your progress!
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21st October 2019, 12:02
Hi, Rusty!
Well done on nearly completing your jobs!
That will be one of your boxes ticked!
I too have been carrying out a few chores....... but have now decided that I have fulfilled today's acceptable quota!
Anything else can wait until tomorrow.
It is time for a coffee , an apple, and a chunk of cheese!
And a stab at today's crossword!
I do my best at solving...some days are good, so good.... but that is how it goes!
Well, Mr R and I have exchanged a few words over the last couple of years...but usually all was resolved amicably!
I found him quite helpful, and receptive to (genuine) comment.......
Does Rose still do her column?
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21st October 2019, 13:43
Rusty, thanks for the information on the Waltons. They sound a lovely bunch of people and it was great that they had many reunions. In 'Bonanza', I think it might have been Little Joe who was my favourite, but I'd need to check!
29585 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2019, 16:04
Good afternoon, Elle!
Rose does the "Feedback" column every Saturday in The Times.
I always make a point of reading it.
There is an obituary today in The Times of one of their setters.
A lady called Joyce Cansfield.
She set several puzzles a month for thirty years.
And had been British Scrabble champion, and first ever winner of Countdown.
And the 1983 Brain of Mensa.
She also set puzzles for the Listener.
A very clever lady!

Hello, Malone,
I think a lot of the appeal of the Waltons was the fact that we watched them all grow up together on the show.
The actress who played Elisabeth was only six when she joined the show, and was nineteen when it ended.
Just like an extended family!
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21st October 2019, 16:09
Did you see the family growing up in Outnumbered? By the time it finished, Ben, the middle child, was enormous!
In one of the last episodes he had been cast in the school play:
"I'm Spartacus" he announced
"No, I'm Spartacus" from father.
"I'm Spartacus" from the oldest child in the front room....
29587 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2019, 16:17
Thanks, Rusty. Yes, that was probably one of the reasons for the popularity of 'The Waltons' - but I also liked it because it was so, so different from the life I was living!

I thought today's obituary, for Joyce Cansfield, was lovely. She sounded a really interesting person.


I have heard 'I am Spartacus' many times, but it's a cultural reference that has completely passed me by!
29588 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2019, 17:08
Hi, Rusty!
I am just back from a very wet walk!
The rain did not stop midday, as was forecast, but has been steadily falling .......
Good to be out , though.
I was just checking whether Rose still did a regular column.
On one of the odd occasions we bought a paper on a Saturday, Rose wasn't there.....
Perhaps she was away on holiday.
I had heard of Joyce Cansfield..........but had you asked me who she was, I couldn't have said why I knew her name!
Maybe in connection with "Countdown"?
In days gone by, I used to watch that.
How did you get on with today's crossword ?
I thought it difficult?
I still have a number of clues left unsolved.

Hello, Chris!
I have never heard of the programme "Outnumbered"....
But I did of course get your "I'm Spartacus" reference!
And how about "I'm Brian...and so's my wife"!
29589 of 30765  -   Report This Post


21st October 2019, 17:22
Hello, Malone!
I agree, "The Waltons" was completely different from my life, too.
I think if they reran it, it would still be very popular.

Joyce Cansfield seemed to be a very nice person.
She was still Alpine skiing in her seventies!
It said for her first "Listener" puzzle, she set all her clues in verse!
29590 of 30765  -   Report This Post