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17th October 2019, 22:23
Hi, Rusty!
It sounds as though the clogs were simply mean to be decorative trophies then, rather than potential footwear?
I hope Laura does make it to the 2020 Olympics....I wonder how she manages to fit in all her training and competing around her young son?
How old will Albie be now?
Have you been reading some more of your book about Michelle Obama?
I shall take another look at Amazon tomorrow to see what price it is now....I find these costs can sometimes change quite quickly.
I am hoping to buy it, soon.
It is still raining here........

Hello, Ros!
Thank you for that info.
I like beef based dishes....also vegetarian ones......but am not a lover of chicken.
I like the sound of the burritos.
Am I right in thinking that guacamole is avocado based?
I love avocados!
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17th October 2019, 22:40
Hello, Elle!
I think you are correct.
The clogs look smaller than normal size and probably ornamental.
The winner of Paris-Roubaix gets an enormous cobblestone to take home!
Much of the race is over the cobbles.
I am not sure about Albie, but I think Laura's Mum is involved.
Will he be two and a bit?
I have not read any more of my book today.
I have thoughts on buying two or three things, may even get a new Chromebook, but I am waiting on Black Friday to see if there will be substantial reductions in the price of things.
29532 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th October 2019, 10:50
Good morning, Rusty!
A beautiful day here...bright blue sky, and sunshine, but somewhat cold.
I even wore my gloves!
I am only just home....a bit later than usual....I seem to be chasing my tail, today.
I wonder what the winner of the Paris -Roubaix race does with his /her cobblestone?
Does it come as a "trophy" to hang on the wall?
(it would surely be a bit too heavy for that?)
Or on a stand to sit on the mantelpiece?
I may have mentioned before that the street where I lived as a child in Bolton was cobbled?
They looked rather nice - countrified? - but I don't suppose they were much good for a car's suspension!
Although not many people had a car one could afford the luxury!
My parcel didn't arrive yesterday...I need to track it down....
Did you go to the Cobblers?
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18th October 2019, 11:11
Hope you can track your parcel, elle.

Guacamole is made from whizzed up avocados, usually with more or less onion, tomato and chilli. You can imagine, it looses its lovely green colour quite quickly
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18th October 2019, 11:53
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here!
The ASDA girls were scraping frost from their cars earlier, they were telling me!
Now, the Paris-Roubaix cobble is possibly the most revered prize in cycling.
Here is Sean Kelly with his.
Andrea Tafi has his built in to the wall of his house.
We still have some cobbled streets here, in the older parts of town.
My book has not arrived, too.
It is from World of Books, and they are usually very dependable.
I am not going to cobbler.
I am going to see if I can buy a new pair of shoes.

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18th October 2019, 13:01
Hi, Rusty!
It is indeed quite a hefty trophy!
Yes, that is what I was expecting...that the cobblestone be fastened to a plinth or stand.
But the cobbles in our street did not look like that......they were smooth and rounded?
And all regular and the same size.
Goodness, that is taking me back some years!
I wonder if they are still there?
My "missing" package is from an online pet shop, from where I normally buy the dog food.
Goodness know where it is......
What book have you ordered?
Are you after "posh" shoes or walking/ hiking shoes?
29536 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th October 2019, 15:31
Good afternoon, Elle!
Rainy here!
My son has just gone home.
He said the Mexican Grill was very good indeed.
My "Teacups" book has arrived, too.

Here is a look at some of the cobbles at Paris-Roubaix.

I have good walking shoes.
I hope to get "dress" shoes.
I'll have a look over the next few days.
Maybe early next week.
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18th October 2019, 18:32
Hi, Rusty!
It is rainy here, too, now!
That was nice, having your son visit you today, as he was unable to come yesterday!
I am glad that your book arrived safely ...not so my dog food!
There seems to have been a hiccough in the delivery service perhaps I will hear more about it on Monday.
Teacups" book?
Have you told me about this?
Our street cobbles were nothing like those shown on your link!
They were very regular in shape, but slightly raised (domed) and bumpy!
I shall look through my old photo albums at some stage to see if I can find a picture.
My friend phoned to see if we can look after her dad's house ( next door to us) whilst they are on holiday.
She and her husband are of to America to watch the racing!
They go every year.
We are having curry for dinner!
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18th October 2019, 19:05
Good evening, Elle!
Yes, was great seeng my son.
He finishes early every Friday.
"The Teapots Are Out," is my book.
I love the racing over the cobbles!
Paris-Roubaix is my very favourite race!
I am watching the cycling.
Katie Archibald won bronze in pursuit.
Trotty is lying second behind Kirsten Wild in the omnium with one event to come.
She blundered in the elimination race and finished third to Kirtsten.
Fingers crossed for Trotty but Kirsten Wild will be very hard to get the better of!

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18th October 2019, 20:09
Good evening, Rusty!
Ah yes, I do remember about your book an Irishman called John Keane? memory is not what it was!
I can remember better what happened years ago......than I can what happened last week!
I hope Trotty does well.
I am waiting on hearing from my daughter.
I know that the family are coming over to see us this weekend, but am not sure whether it will be tomorrow or Sunday.
Basically , it really makes no difference to us ...I just like to be able to "plan"!
I am reading my book by Nicholas Evans...I am enjoying it.
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