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16th October 2019, 22:07
Hi, Rusty!
My Goodness, I hadn't realised that so many Sports Channels existed!
We ourselves don't have any alternative to the BBC and ITV coverage .
I could certainly wish to view more Athletics and Tennis......
I think the BBC does cover - if frugally - most of the Athletics events...but unfortunately very little tennis is shown.
But we couldn't afford to pay for EuroSport or Sky, in addition to the BBC TV licence for which we shall now have to continue paying!
It's a tough old world!
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16th October 2019, 22:34
Hello, Elle!
There were at least two tennis tournaments being shown today on the sports channels.
I know Coco was in one of them.
I'd say there are around twenty sports channels that I get.
But, I rarely watch them, except for cycling and Alpine skiing, on EuroSport, and golf on SkyGolf channel.
I often watch the racing on ITV, too.
And sometimes there are good sporting documentaries on BT Sport.
29512 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2019, 10:01
Good morning, Rusty!
It was sunny and bright but much colder (8C) on my walk this morning.
The five goslings are still surviving.
Maybe Mother Goose will do better rearing her babes this time around!
Thinking about sport......I guess I can always watch tennis on the BBC Sports website.....presuming they cover it there......
But my only option then is to sit at my desk......not the most comfortable of choices for a long match!
I am expecting a parcel confined to base until it arrives!
What are you up to?
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17th October 2019, 10:35

Good morning, Elle!
It is colder here, but a lovely day!
I am going out with my granddaughters, shortly.
BT Sport are showing tennis from Luxembourg, and Moscow.
I would doubt if BBC can show the tournaments if BT have paid for it.
I am hoping to see Trotty and co in the women's pursuit final tonight.
And BBC will ignore it, unless GB win.
They have finally put up a piece about Emily Nelson winning gold medal.
It's a good puzzle today!
29514 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2019, 12:11
Hi, Rusty!
I spoke too soon...we now have rain!
I hope you and your granddaughters had a nice outing?
Is Miss O back to school next week?
I have just discovered that, although our local schools have only a week off for half term, BB ( living in a different Borough) has a fortnight's break!
I think this may mean his staying with us for at least part of the second week, unless Football Club is functioning, and he is able to go there.
That would be nice...although we might need another holiday afterwards to recover!
(I am only joking...he is really no trouble!)
Yes, a good crossword so far...I have only recently started it .....
29515 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2019, 12:18
Hello, Elle!
Just home!
We had a fine time!
It's Miss L-B's birthday today and they are going out for tea tonight, so my son won't visit.
La Bamba is top priority!
Miss O is back next week, and L-B is back at Uni.
Be nice for you if BB comes to stay for a day or two!
Good luck with the puzzle!
29516 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2019, 12:51
Hi, Rusty!
I'm glad you all enjoyed yourselves.
And Happy birthday to Miss La Bamba!
Speaking of birthdays, I have just realised that I missed yours whilst we were on holiday!
I hope somewhat belatedly that you had a good day?
I am liking this crossword puzzle....
I am pleased with my solving of 27a: "Gutsy" batting twice bagging international a half century (10)
intestinal - "gutsy" (def)
In in - batting twice
test - international
L - half century
How about that then?
I've managed to solve an essentially "cricket" - termed clue, all by myself?!
29517 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2019, 14:05
Good afternoon, Elle!
I had a good birthday.
Plenty of visitors, which I appreciated.
You did well with the cricket one!
I liked the half century part of "intestinal"! Quite crickety, too!
My final solution was 10a.
I had a vague notion of the fairies, checked with Collins, and that helped to solve it.
Still a fine day here.
29518 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2019, 15:03
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday!
I wondered about Morgan le Fay?
She was a sorceress/ enchantress in Arthurian legend.
Possibly the Lady of the Lake....
Anne B gave her name under "fairy" do you think this is where "fay" for "fairy" came from?
Or was she simply "Morgan the 'fairy/fay'"? and the word "fay" already existed?
Which came first, as it were, the chicken or the egg?
I also liked 11d: under one's hat
I thought it a clever double meaning clue!
Still raining here......
29519 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th October 2019, 15:24
Hi elle
Have you come across Genevieve Cogman's "Invisible Library" series? Fun fantasy - many worlds and realities, in which the Dragons represent order and stability, whereas the Fey (fairies) stand for the opposite. Humans (and the library) are somewhere in between.

Great romps!
29520 of 30765  -   Report This Post