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14th October 2019, 19:55
Hello, Elle!
Yes, Pine Cone is the plan, tomorrow!
Not sure if Miss O will be there, or not.
She was in Paris, last I heard!
Yes, property buying and selling can be difficult.
I have started reading my new book, "Becoming" by Michelle Obama.
I like it!
29481 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th October 2019, 21:09
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, is Miss on half- term?
Our local schools do not break for the Autumn half- term until October 18th
I am expecting BB to come for another sleepover!
Paris sounds good!
I have only been there once...many years ago, and very briefly at that ...en route for Germany.
I hope she is having/ has had? / a good time.
"Becoming" is Michelle Obama's autobiography, isn't it?
I have heard it is inspiring?
29482 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th October 2019, 21:23
Hello, Elle!
I don't understand half-term?
Miss O is on holiday. Her school is closed.
She likes Paris!
I have not heard from her since she went away.
I tend to leave them in peace when they are away.
I have just started "Becoming", and so far it is a very good read.
About her childhood in Chicago, so far.
I always liked Michelle Obama.
Wonder will I be inspired!
29483 of 30765  -   Report This Post


14th October 2019, 21:48
Hi, Rusty!
Perhaps your set-up is, half- term is the holiday break in the middle of a school term.
Bromley schools break for the Autumn half -term from Friday, October 18th for a week.
School term resumes on Monday, October 28th.
The next school holiday after that will be when the schools close over Christmas and New Year.
Let me know what you think of "Becoming"......I may like to read it?
At present, I am reading a book by Peter Robinson......"Caedmon's Song.
And would you believe it is still raining......

29484 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th October 2019, 06:38
Good morning, Elle!
It is dry here, but still dark!
I don't know what term is used for the school holiday here.
When I went to school the unofficial name for the October break was the "tattie holidays".
We went picking tatties to help the farmers and earn some money.
I don't think that goes on nowadays.
It was sore on the back, I remember!
It is early days with "Becoming", but so far, so good.
Michelle tells of her growing up in the South Side of Chicago.
About her family, friends, race, etc.
The book is a present from my granddaughters.
They must have picked up on something I said about Michelle Obama!
29485 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th October 2019, 09:38
Good morning, Rusty!
Yet another wet day here!
The Egyptian geese appear to have five of their eight babies remaining.
Although the predatory heron is permanently in the offing....waiting.
That was very nice of your granddaughters to buy the book about Michelle Obama, for you!
It is good that you are enjoying it!
Yes, I think I would like to read it...I have been impressed by what I have heard about her.
I am away out soon to have my hair cut, and I also need to go the Cobblers whilst out.
I should be back about lunch time.
Enjoy your outing with Miss L- B!
29486 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th October 2019, 12:26
Hello, Elle!
Home now!
Had a nice outing with the girls.
Miss O was there, too.
Less tables at Pine Cone today.
They are making way for more Christmas stuff!
Miss O said this is the "October holiday".
She said they don't use the term "half-term".
I'd say you'd like "Becoming".
I've always liked Michelle, and her book makes me like her even more.
There are no pretensions about Michelle Obama.
I've just started the book (426 pages) but already she is very informative, ambitious, down to earth, and witty.
The Washington Post says "Becoming" could be the "best selling memoir ever."
Have a look at the reviews on Amazon?
29487 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th October 2019, 14:07
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I too am finally home now!
It is a lovely afternoon...we now have sunshine.
Such a change from early this morning!
That was nice, having both granddaughters for company at the Pine Cone.
Yes, obviously , "half term" is not an expression used in Scotland?
I am trying to think whether my Scottish cousins have ever used it ...but cannot recall hearing them say such.
It is widely used across England, though.
I dropped my boots off at the cobblers for heeling, whilst I was out this morning.
I can collect them from tomorrow.
I am anticipating Winter!
Yes, I shall look up the reviews for "Becoming" on Amazon, and see what kind of a price I can get for the book.
I haven't had chance to take a look at the crossword yet......
29488 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th October 2019, 17:06
Hello, Elle!
It has became duller here.
It does not look like "half-term" is in use here, no.
I think "Becoming" is around half price on Amazon.
It has £25 on the cover of my copy.
I did not get a paper today but finished the puzzle online.
14, is a new meaning for me, and 22 is a new word!
29489 of 30765  -   Report This Post


15th October 2019, 18:11
Hi, Rusty!
It has been a very pleasant afternoon here.
I've been out with the dog.....whilst my husband went for his flu jab!
I think I definitely had the better deal!
( Speaking of flu jabs...have you had yours?)
I looked up "Becoming" and found it had really excellent reviews.
The cheapest offer on Amazon that I could find was about £12?
So yes, half price if your new copy cost £25.
Does that sound reasonable, do you think?
I have money in my Amazon wouldn't have to lay out any more cash!
Oh, how I've struggled with today's crossword!
I still have about eight clues unsolved.....
I am about to throw in the proverbial towel....the puzzle is too difficult for me today!
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