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6th June 2019, 16:24
Hi, Rusty!
Home again!
It has been a lovely afternoon.
The lull before the storm.......I think we are forecast gale force winds and heavy rain for all day tomorrow.
Re Outlook...the boxes are Outlook's official ones...but do not seem to be in operation.
The Junk, Sent , and Deleted Items boxes are all empty.
They were found under the "new" paper clip icon.
They have no emails in them.....according to the "labelling", they seem to be there solely for the purpose of receiving attachments
God knows why!
I have shot my bolt...I wash my hands of the situation.....….and any other appropriate idioms that you can think of!
Yes, the prospect sounds good for Jo!
Is your son coming round?
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6th June 2019, 17:46
Hello, Elle!
Fine afternoon here.
There are several articles in Google about missing files and folders on Outlook and how to recover them.
Often with a simple click.
I have the golf on my TV.
The Canadian Open in Ontario.
Quite a few Canadian World War 2 bombers have just flown over the course and the players all stopped to watch.
Wonder if they had taken part in the D Day celebrations in France?
I think my son will be here soon.
No car until tomorrow, now!
27632 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th June 2019, 19:57
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I had checked out the folder situation in Google when this first happened , but the retrieval mentioned there is based on accidental loss ....this present scenario is a deliberate reorganisation on Outlook's part...or so they tell me!
Also it is not only my personally created folders that are missing, but the "official" email boxes have also gone.....
I cannot make head nor tail of it....and being unable to TALK to a service engineer is ridiculous... this constant emailing is getting me nowhere.
I need a to-and fro conversation!
I think I have to hang fire until my daughter is able to help me set up an alternative method of getting my email......
I require similar to the original Hotmail setup before Outlook got their hands on it!!
ie an Inbox , Junk box, Drafts, Sent items box and a Deleted items box, plus the facility to create my own folders., within the system.
I do not know which email client will provide this?
(I have only ever used Hotmail, and this is through my Web Browser)
Do you have all this with Bluemail?
How does that operate?
How is the golf going?
Are you and your son watching it together?
27633 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th June 2019, 20:35
Hello, Elle!
Yes, wait until your daughter can guide you, that's best.
Now, I do not have a desktop or Windows, and have never used Outlook.
When I had my Dell laptop I used BTmail.
On my Chromebook I use BTmail, and on my my tablet and 'phone I use BlueMail.
These are simple user friendly systems for me to use.
On BlueMail you can create folders, I think, not sure about BTmail, as I have no need for them.
I wonder what system Kenyatta uses now?
My son and me enjoyed the golf.
Fine evening here!
27634 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th June 2019, 20:47
I use BTYahoo Mail, and you can create folders in that.
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6th June 2019, 21:19
Hi, Rusty!
I have been having a long chat with my daughter.....she admits to being at a loss over Outlook, but said she may have a better idea when she can actually "see" the problem....(or not see it, as it were, because the boxes just aren't there!)
I shall just have to be patient......not, as you know, one of my strong points!
I shall try to keep off the subject before I bore you to tears!
There was a question about Ginsberg on Eggheads.....
Didn't we have him in a crossword recently...?
Am I remembering correctly?
Yes, a lovely evening here, too.
It is hard to believe the weather is supposed to change so drastically tomorrow!

Hello, Chris!
Does Yahoo have "official" Inbox, Drafts , Sent Items, and Deleted Items boxes, as well as the facility to create one's own personal folders within the system?
I really need all this.
And could I keep my Hotmail email address, do you know?
27636 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th June 2019, 21:26
Hi elle
Yes, BT Yahoo Mail has all of those. I'm not sure of the exact relationship between BT and Yahoo - I think the former took over the latter a few years ago.
Sorry, I have no experience of Hotmail.
27637 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th June 2019, 21:31
You can, of course, use the same Email address as you used in Outlook (as long as you can remember your password!)
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6th June 2019, 21:36
Thanks, Chris!
27639 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th June 2019, 21:39
Hello, Elle!
You are not boring me to tears!
I think it a good idea for your daughter to guide you through the Outlook maze, and to help you choose a new system.
I am not tech minded and I feel out of my depth with your problem.
BlueMail collects emails from several different suppliers and delivers them to my inbox, if that's any help.
I can't remember Ginsberg in a puzzle.
27640 of 30765  -   Report This Post