Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I had checked out the folder situation in Google when this first happened , but the retrieval mentioned there is based on accidental loss ....this present scenario is a deliberate reorganisation on Outlook's part...or so they tell me!
Also it is not only my personally created folders that are missing, but the "official" email boxes have also gone.....
I cannot make head nor tail of it....and being unable to TALK to a service engineer is ridiculous... this constant emailing is getting me nowhere.
I need a to-and fro conversation!
I think I have to hang fire until my daughter is able to help me set up an alternative method of getting my email......
I require similar to the original Hotmail setup before Outlook got their hands on it!!
ie an Inbox , Junk box, Drafts, Sent items box and a Deleted items box, plus the facility to create my own folders., within the system.
I do not know which email client will provide this?
(I have only ever used Hotmail, and this is through my Web Browser)
Do you have all this with Bluemail?
How does that operate?
How is the golf going?
Are you and your son watching it together?