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8th June 2019, 10:29
You're welcome, Chris!
I think icauser behaved badly, and was very rude to you.
I don't like to see such behaviour.
27661 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th June 2019, 11:38
Hello, Elle!
No rain, so far!
I am just home!
When I go there, Clova is always very boisterous for five minutes, then she goes to sleep!
I did not know that about the drugs causing acne.
Of course, there are many benign causes, too.
My son and daughter-in-law were in London during the week protesting against Trump's visit, and had their "Save our NHS" banners etc!
So, I was getting all the stories!
27662 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th June 2019, 12:43
Hi, Rusty!
I didn't know that your son and daughter- in-law were up in London........
Where did they stay whilst they were here?
Yes, there have many protests about Trump's visit.
Did they have anything in particular to relate?
It must have been interesting to hear first hand experiences of the anti- Trump protests.
I have finished my crossword.
Leastways, I have a completed grid..... and three clue yet to fully parse..... but I am getting there!
Have you had time to do yours?
27663 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th June 2019, 12:49
Hello, Elle!
I did not know they had gone to London, too.
No idea where they stayed.
It was a spur of the moment decision.
They mixed with a lot of Americans, I believe.
I have "finished" my puzzle, too, but several to parse.
But first, I am going to have my dinner for I am very hungry!
27664 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th June 2019, 14:14
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I thought it a good puzzle.
I especially liked 11a: "however".......Ho, We(a)ver!
I thought the parsing very clever! it made me smile!
But the ones that I cannot parse are 12a; 8d; and 13d.
How about you?
Although not quite in the same league as a visit from the American president , apparently Crystal Palace Park is being honoured by a "Walkabout", from the Mayor of London - plus local councillors - on Monday next.
The gardeners have never worked so hard......they are being exhorted to do a general "spruce up"!
This does not happen for us hoi-polloi...but seemingly only for the Mayor!
One of our number was busy taking "before " and "after" photographs....
Uhm…...could be interesting?
27665 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th June 2019, 14:37
Hello, Elle!
Yes, a fine puzzle.
Thanks for 11a.
I still can't parse it!
Where is "call" and who/what is Bottom?
12a my take is, the cricket team almost is "Indi(a), unnamed reserve is "restrai(n)t, with "s" for succeeded.
"In dire straits".
I hoped you could tell me about 8d!
I have no idea, possibly a woman in a Shakespeare play?
"Dark" is "night".
13d is, a singer is a "grass" (slang), goes off is "rots".
"Rots" is fill of love, "roOts".
"Grass roots" could be the ordinary folk?
Well, personally, I'd rather see the Mayor, rather than this particular President!
27666 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th June 2019, 14:44
Update, Elle!
I found her!
27667 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th June 2019, 15:19
I have no idea what the clue is, rusty, but Nick Bottom is a weaver in A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare. Famously Puck transforms his head into that of a donkey!
27668 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th June 2019, 15:28
Hello, Rosalind!
Thank you for your interest and help.
Our clue is,
"Call to Bottom: no answer, though" (7)
We have "however".

Seems to be "ho we(a)ver".
Does "ho" mean "call", I wonder?
27669 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th June 2019, 15:29
And "however" is "though".
27670 of 30765  -   Report This Post