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28th May 2019, 19:40
Hi, Rusty!
Well, Paddy P may well be right....animal acts have done well in the past, I think?
Although on those occasions , the dogs have themselves done something clever or "unusual".
About Outlook .....which I detest most bitterly, and rue the day it took over Hotmail! ......I gather from my investigations into Feedback sites etc., that I am not alone in experiencing these recent drawbacks
A lot of people are angrily asking "Where are my Folders?"!
The outcome from my "discussion" this afternoon, is that I now have a "reference number" and the promise of a return call with some answers.
However, based on past performances, I am not holding my breath!
My daughter seems to think I am "on a hiding to nothing"
However, I can but try?
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28th May 2019, 20:07
Good evening, Elle!
Paddy P forms a book according to how much money is coming for each act, that's why Finn is favourite, just now.
The betting will change after each heat, though Finn could remain favourite.
Best dog act was Ashleigh and Pudsey!
So, there is a small degree of progress with the Outlook folk.
Any idea when they will call you?
Have the folk on the Feedback sites had any joy from Outlook?
Wonder where a "hiding to nothing" came from?
Yes, you have to try, I'd say.
I wonder if any of the computer repair shops could get your Outlook back to normal, if Outlook can't?
Could be worth a 'phone call?
Fingers crossed the Outlook folk can fix it, though!
27482 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th May 2019, 21:22
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness , I am having a terrible time with Recaptcha!
It took eight different pictures to combat, before I could send my last post!
Re Outlook, no - one at all seems to have had any success in retrieving lost folders etc.
I longer have a Junk Email box; Drafts; or Sent items box; and any additional (sub) folders that I had made, have also vanished (roughly fifteen folders in all)
All complete with contents.
Outlook has issued a notice, saying that it hopes all concerned will be pleased with the "new format"!
I am assuming that there is nothing that can be done to rectify matters unless the action comes from Outlook itself.....
This is not an "accident", but a deliberate intervention.......made by Outlook, presumably in the name of "progress"......
Maybe the move will be reversed if a lot of "pressure" is applied from enough complainants?
I shall wait to see if I get a phone call (I am not holding out much hope there) from Microsoft.....
And also whether Outlook does eventually take action, , if it realises that this was not a popular move!
Otherwise, I shall have to consider alternatives.
Now, let's see how long it takes to send this.......!
27483 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th May 2019, 21:39
Hello, Elle!
That should not be with reCaptcha!
One set of pictures should suffice, or two at most.
It can be a blooming pest of a thing!

Outlook will have many thousands of users I'd imagine.
And they have changed things with their update, and in the process managed to get rid of many of your folders?
Does not seem right to me.
Can you save your remaining files in case they lose them, too?
Do Microsoft own Outlook? Is it free?
Maybe in the near future you should ask your daughter to suggest another email client to use?
I think I would be binning Outlook.
27484 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th May 2019, 22:44
Hi, Rusty!
I have only been having trouble with reCaptcha over the last few days, but it has seemingly now gone beserk!
The folders that have been removed are only those within the Hotmail/ Microsoft Outlook system.
The rest of my work is not connected to Outlook and should be safe enough...anything of great importance is backed up by paperwork offline.
That is good advice, Rusty, about changing to another email client......and, yes, I shall probably do so in time, but I do not want to do anything drastic too soon, in case there is a chance or recovering my lost records.
I shall await possible developments, and then decide what to do!

I think I may speak to Norah tomorrow, if this bombardment of pictures continues!
I shall have nightmares counting telegraph poles!
27485 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th May 2019, 08:09
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here!
A pity about your reCaptcha going loopy on you.
A good idea to let Norah know, I agree.
I'm sure she does not want folk having difficulty posting.
And she won't know unless folk tell her.
When I was changing my email client, at one time I had four different ones installed, until I decided which one I liked best, for my simple needs.
I kept BlueMail and uninstalled the rest.
Let's hope Outlook can help you find your missing folders, though.
27486 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th May 2019, 09:48
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a pleasant day here.... a tad on the cool side as yet, but the sun is shining.
Just home from my walk.
I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to go about changing my email client?
When the time comes, I might just hand over the reins to my daughter.....and let her do it for me!
In the interim, I do now have a "Reference number" from Microsoft, so will phone them again later today, and pursue this.
This morning, the dog is going to the Groomers....she will have a bath and a trim.
We shall drop her off there at 11am., go to Sainsburys on the way home to do some shopping......and then go back tlater o collect her at 1.30pm.
After that, the day is my own to deal with Microsoft Outlook!!!!
How about you --- anything nice planned for today?
27487 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th May 2019, 10:14
Hello, Elle!
Fine morning here, too!
You would download your preferred email client, I imagine?
I got mine from the Google Play Store.
Very simply done.
But, your daughter will know best, I think.
I'd be interested to hear how you get on with Microsoft Outlook!
I have no plans in my mind, I don'think.
But, I have to watch last night's episode of BGT.
And I recorded "The Generation Frame".
It's a programme on BBC Scotland about folk trying to find out about their forebears.
They get help from experts and at the end they get a large drawing of their ancestors etc in a "frame".
Last week's episode was excellent, so fingers crossed this week's is up to that standard!
27488 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th May 2019, 12:51
Hi, Rusty!
Home again from Sainsburys!
Whilst there, I treated myself to three new books by Michael Connelly, Danielle Steele, and Jeffrey Archer.
Sainsburys tend to sell a lot of their paperbacks at half price, so I did well.
I was just home in time to take delivery of a Radnor watch that I had ordered through Amazon.
I don't know whether I have ever mentioned it before, but I can only wear plastic or resin- cased watches, as I "magnetise" any other type of watch....... and then they fail to work!
I have been searching for a new watch for some time.....and was lucky enough to find this one through Google.
It was, however, supposed to arrive tomorrow!
So I was fortunate indeed to have just arrived home in the nick of time!
Now, time for a quick coffee and then back to collect the dog at 1.30..............
27489 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th May 2019, 13:01
Oops, Rusty!
I meant "Radley"....
27490 of 30765  -   Report This Post