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31st May 2019, 15:47
Hello, Cerasus
It is very good of you to try to help.
Yes, I have Cortana and have already " been there, done that, and bought the T-shirt", last weekend when the official Boxes and subfolders first "disappeared"
This particular incident, however, is not due to an accident / mishap, but a deliberate act resulting from an Outlook Update …...something to do with the coding?(There are a fair number of people similarly complaining....)
I am told by Microsoft that the Folders cannot be recovered without Outlook's intervention..
It is a moot point whether this will in fact happen.....
I am still awaiting a further response.
27521 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st May 2019, 15:57
Elle, that sounds quite serious, so I wish you luck with Microsoft. I have often used Cortana if I cannot find one of my folders, as long as I know the name e,g. "Charles" and 'She ' will give me several places where I have misplaced them.
...... flaming parking meters now !
27522 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st May 2019, 16:08
Hello, Elle!
The boiler etc had annual service three weeks ago.
Today the lad adjusted a valve, bled a radiator, and increased the water pressure, in five minutes, all told!
The system is now running like a well-oiled knock!
This Outlook carry-on is proving to be a bit of a nightmare, surely?
I think the sooner you leave them the better!
Grab your folders and run!
A pity Cerasus's advice/info was no help.
It looked promising.
One day you will look back on the recent Outlook shenanigans and chuckle, so leave your grey hairs in peace!
27523 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st May 2019, 19:07
Hi, Rusty!
We have a lovely evening here!
Yes, you are right..... the Outlook scenario is indeed a nightmare!
I have heard nothing further...and I am doubting that I shall.
I would have thought that pressure from the "victims" would surely have made the company react...... and do something?
I at least have tried!
Yes, it was kind of Cerasus to try to help.
My daughter phoned as usual on her way home.
She is in training to take part in a Half Marathon for charity ( in October) and so has joined a Park Running Club.
First "go" tomorrow!

Cerasus…..I have emailed Norah to inform her that some of us are struggling hard with reCaptcha - beyond an acceptable limit, I feel!
27524 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st May 2019, 20:18
Good evening, Elle!
It is a fair evening here.
We had rain forecast.
A pity about Outlook, but they may still get in touch.
They are obviously not interested in their reputation suffering.
Hope your daughter gets on fine at her running.
Last semi-final of BGT tonight.
I liked Ben Hart, a magician, last night.
In Paddy P's betting, they have "X" at 25-1.
I suspect "X" may be the wild card?
27525 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st May 2019, 20:25
Update, Elle!
This is Faith Tucker on BGT.
She was by far the most talented in her semi-final but did not get voted into the final.
Very disappointing!
27526 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st May 2019, 20:48
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for the video clip - I had not seen Faith Tucker previously.
Yes, she was very good!
I am very surprised that she did not get through?
Especially as some of those who did, I have considered to be fairly "poor"?
I have just Googled "X" appears he/she is an enigmatic magician....
Only seen masked .....
Here is what I found on Google:
I think this must be to whom Paddy P referred?
27527 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st May 2019, 21:01
Hello, Elle!
I liked Faith a lot, it's a travesty she was not voted into the final.
Yes, there are underwhelming acts in the final.
Ah! I see!
I have not seen "X" before, must be in tonight's show.
27528 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st May 2019, 22:13
Hi, Rusty!
I haven't watched much of this year's BGT....
I did start watching a few of the shows, but I was not particularly enamoured of any act, and my attention wandered!
I sometimes find it difficult to assess an act, too - there is a difference, isn't there, between appreciating that a performance is good...and personally liking it?
Do you find that, too?
I shall make an effort though to watch the Final on Sunday!
It will be interesting to see who wins!
27529 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st May 2019, 22:24
Hello, Elle!
I think the standard has dropped.
It does not hold the same interest for me, as it did in the past.
And when you see talented folk missing out, for mediocre acts, that's disappointing.
And the sob stories are way overplayed!
Another thing that bugs me, is the audience clapping and cheering during songs.
They should be doing that when the singer has finished.
I must admit I don't watch all the acts.
I fast-forward through acts I don't like.
"X" is second favourite behind the pensioner!
27530 of 30765  -   Report This Post