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29th May 2019, 13:48
Good afternoon, Elle!
Radley watches are new to me!
Does your FitBit not show the time?
My watch is a Casio resin watch.
I've bought quite a few of the same model over the years.
When the strap breaks I get a new watch on eBay.
Just watched BGT.
The act I preferred, Faith Tucker, a fine young singer, did not get voted to the final, unfortunately.
4MG, a group of four young magicians, and Siobhan Phillips, a comedienne, were voted to the final.
And there was a brief guest appearance of one of my favourites on BGT, Stavros Flatley.
Good to see them again, and the little boy has grown up!
27491 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th May 2019, 15:28
Hi, Rusty!
I am back home now for the remainder of the day
I have a clean and trimmed dog!
She looks very smart, although I doubt it will survive her first foray out in the park.
She will find something "evil" in which to roll!
I am wearing my new watch....I am very pleased with it.
No, my Fitbit does not show the is extremely tiny and very basic.
It does the job, though.
I do not know Stavros Flatley?
Any relation to Michael.......he of Riverdance fame?
I don't know where the hours have gone today....I haven't even looked at the crossword!
27492 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th May 2019, 17:24
Hello, Elle!
Dogs will do what dogs will do!
Oh, I would have thought that Fitbit would show the time too.
Stavros Flatley were a comedy dance duo.
They did a take-off of Michael Flatley doing one of his Irish dance shows.
I think they were in the final that Diversity won.
You would need to have seen Michael Flatley perform to really appreciate them, though.
I thought they were very funny and so did Amanda!
The puzzle was fairly easy today, I thought.
Just one new word for me.
Just finished watching "The Generation Frame".
It was very good indeed!
27493 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th May 2019, 22:08
Hi, Rusty!
Whew! at last I have "Contact" again!
I am so sorry for the delay in replying.
My computer "froze", and I was even unable to switch it off!
(I do so hate modern appliances!)
Finally, I unplugged it......but that didn't work either....
Any way, several hours later, the mystery remains unsolved......but the computer is now functioning again!
So I am "striking whilst the iron is hot" in case the system fails again!
I watched a little of BGT, but most of my evening has been spent "computer-fiddling"!
There was a stand- up comedian whom I thought I was quite good?
I actually found myself listening to him!
And a Chelsea Pensioner who sang very well considering his age....but it was a sob story background....although very patriotic.
I shall be interested to hear what you think?
Right, I shall send this whilst the going is good.....
27494 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th May 2019, 23:00
Hello, Elle!
Strange doings with your computer!
Any more from Outlook?
I watched a bit of the football.
I'll watch BGT tomorrow some time.
But last night, Tuesday, my preferred act, Faith Tucker, did not get to the final.
But hopefully she may get a wild card.
I have just looked at Paddy Power's betting and the Chelsea Pensioner is the new favourite ahead of Dave 'n' dog.
I hope we get a properly talented act to win.
I am fed up of hard luck stories!
27495 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th May 2019, 10:04
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
A lovely day here.......warm and sunny.
Just back from my walk....I love going out early in the it rain or shine!
Yes, I agree with you about the Chelsea Pensioner.......he seems a very nice man......and I am sure his feelings for his deceased wife are very genuine.....but we (the viewers) ,the audience, and the judges, do not need to know all this.
He is there to be judged on his ability, not what a great guy he is.
Without the background story, and the Chelsea Pensioner uniform... I am doubting that he would have got through?
I suppose the sob stories make good TV.... but it IS a Talent show!
Right...rant over.....
No, I have heard nothing from Outlook.
I shall phone them and flaunt my Reference number!
I have a pet food delivery coming later.....
27496 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th May 2019, 11:35
Good morning, Elle!
Steady rain up here!
I did not get the recording of BGT.
Sky TV have moved some of the channels, unknownst to me, and STV was one of them.
I had to reset my "favourites" to include STV.
So, BGT is on ITV2 at teatime and I'll try again to record it.
I saw the Pensioner singing on YouTube, but fortunately missed the sob story.
He is a reasonable singer but him winning the heat is making a mockery of the "Talent" show.
Brian Gilligan and Faith Tucker were far better singers and they did not make the final.
Yes, get on your soapbox to Outlook!
27497 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th May 2019, 12:34
Hi, Rusty!
Sorry about your rain!
I have been phoning their number numerous times .....I cannot rouse a person!
I have tried all the options offered.....nary a one produced a "human" to whom I could speak!
Just what is the use of my having a "reference number " if I cannot "refer" to someone?
I guess it must have been sheer luck that I encountered a live being when I phoned previously!
There are now 15 basic referrals to missing folders, belonging to "victims" in the Feedback!
Other "sufferers" are asked to vote in agreement if similarly afflicted ......
There has been a huge response!
But nothing appears to be being done to rectify this.
I am running out of both ideas.......and patience!
27498 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th May 2019, 13:08
Good afternoon, Elle!
Still raining!
Not helpful at all from Outlook!
I know with some customer services if you say "speak to a human" you will get a human.
Have you tried that?
It worked with me, phoning BT, I think it was.
I wonder if, in the background, thay are working on a "patch" to fix their update?
In the future you would do well to get shot of Outlook, I think.
27499 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th May 2019, 14:20
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I have at last established contact.......probably with little green men, but hey, they speak!
It has taken me nearly two hours to rouse someone
The end result is that I am told a service engineer will EMAIL me within the next 24 to 48 hours!
Emailing is not ideal...considering that I cannot receive any "unknown " emails at present, as, of course, I have no Junk Box from which to retrieve the messages!
So I have given my husband's email address in the hope that this might serve the purpose.
Lordy, am I fed up!
Yes, Outlook will very definitely be shown the door in the future!
Okay..... I shall try hollering "Speak to a human" down every phone !
I am now going to sit quietly....and count my additional grey hairs!
27500 of 30765  -   Report This Post