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5th April 2019, 11:12
Hi malone
I know it as 6-2-3-6
26581 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 11:16
Thanks, ChrisE. My knowledge of plants is as extensive as my knowledge of cricket - ie non-existent!
26582 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 11:17
4- is funnier, though!
I think it probably holds the record for the number of country names it goes by.
26583 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 12:21
I know it as 6,4 or 4,4! Unfortunately the deer love it.
26584 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 12:30
Hello, Rosalind,
I got 8 correct answers out of 15 in the Times Quiz today.
Think that's my record!
26585 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 12:45
Hi, Rusty!
It will be interesting to follow the progress of the "egg"!
We have some newborns at the park , too.
The other pair of Egyptian geese now have six babies!
Let us hope that these six goslings fair better then the others.....
Only two remain of the first batch of eight.
These newbies are so very tiny and vulnerable.......
Fingers crossed for them!
Now...the crossword!
Well, I see that Chris even knows two versions of 4d........and Ros a different variant still.....but I do not even know one?
I have J?C?-I?-T?E-?U?P?T
Seeing the clue says "preaching" and looking at the crossers, is the last word "pulpit"?
"Jack -in the pulpit"?
This must mean "Lords and Ladies"........ I've never heard of either name of this plant!
( But then...I am a very inadequate gardener!)
My favourite clues are 19a:menagerie ; 23a: apse 25a:portiere and 18d: caldera.
New to me is "canopic jar" in 1a - although very easily got from the clue!
I'm still struggling with 2d.......
26586 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 14:01
Good afternoon, Elle!
Yes, hope there are more eggs to come!
I don't have the puzzle to hand, but "Jack-in-the-pulpit" is correct.
"jack in" means "give up, or stop".
If I remember correctly, 2d is "nowness", but I forget the definition.
There were several new words for me in it, and that's great!
I am going to watch Aintree now!
26587 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 14:14
Hi elle
It's Wild Arum. Lots of country names, as I said. The commonest (and the one rosalind was probably referring to) is Cuckoo Pint (no idea why). I knew Parson-in-the-pulpit, but Jack-in-the pulpit makes a better clue!
26588 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 14:23
Update, Elle!
I have the puzzle here, now!
2d, "nowness" meaning "currency".
"To have" is "own", splitting "ness".
A ness or a "bill" is a cape or headland, I think.
26589 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th April 2019, 14:38
Wild arum hardly looks like a flower at all. It has a pale green spathe wrapped round a browny-purple spike. In the late summer the spike has turned into one of bright orange/red berries. These are poisonous, though apparently not to deer.
26590 of 30765  -   Report This Post