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2nd April 2019, 20:47
Good evening, Rusty!
Oops! my fault...for some reason I saw it as "cova".......
I stand corrected!
No doubt a crossword setter would tell us that "clova" is a homophone of "clover"....!
And speaking of crosswords......
I have just one clue remaining unsolved now
17d: Demon not the first to have capital (8)
What am I not seeing?

Ros, this is a picture of said flexi hoses...…
Apparently they are attached to the bath taps (out of sight under the bath)

26521 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd April 2019, 22:08
Hello, Elle!
Not a homophone to me!
I struggled for a bit with 17d, too.
The demon is "afreet" in mythology, Arabian, I think.
To have is to "own".
Giving "Freetown", but not sure where it is capital of?
My daughter-in-law sent me some super pics of their jaunt to Glen Clova.
Plenty of snow on the mountains!
26522 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd April 2019, 22:14
Thanks elle. I have had a look, but as I have to have yet another new tap in the kitchen, I thik I'll get the plumber to investigate. Wen I can get him
Did you finish O tempora?
26523 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd April 2019, 23:04
Hi, Rusty!
No, "clova/ clover" is not a homophone for me, either!
It is similar to "kinda/ kinder" that we had the other day, isn't it?
I do not know "Afreet"?
That is a new word for me.
I would never have got the answer - thank you for explaining it to me.
Freetown is the capital of Sierra Leone.
Oh....did you ask your daughter-in -law why the dog is called "Clova"?

Hello, Ros!
You would have to take off the side panel of the bath to see the flexible hoses.
It did not take the plumber very long to do the replacement.
I have so far done about three quarters of "O Tempora".........
This may be my limit for this week!
26524 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd April 2019, 23:19
Hello, Elle!
"Afreet" is a new word to me too. There are several spellings.
Anne Bradford has it, though.
Yes, I asked my daughter-in-law.
She told me quite a few things, including the lovely fish and chips she had at the Glen Clova Hotel, and how cold the water at Loch Brandy was, but did not answer my question about Clova!
I shall ask my son tomorrow.
They know Clova's sister, too, but I don't know if they ever told me her name.
Their cat is called Millie!
26525 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd April 2019, 10:02
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely morning ....very cold, 2C, but the sun is shining!
Rain is forecast for later, though.
I effectively have a free day today!
All my paperwork is sorted...for now!
And the estimates are in the post to the Insurance company.
I shall take an early look at the crossword.......
26526 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd April 2019, 10:13
Good morning, Elle!
Well done on your weather!
We have sleet just now.
The main road to Inverness is blocked with snow at Slochd Summit.
Not so good!
Good luck with your puzzle!
26527 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd April 2019, 11:34
Hi, Rusty!
Oh dear, I'm sorry about your weather.
I expect our rain will arrive just as I want to go out for a walk later this afternoon!
I am about two -thirds through the is taking me a while..... in between doing other things and coming back to it.....but (so far) I am not doing too badly, considering that Wednesday's puzzle is usually hard.
(Is this where you tell me today's is easy?)
Up till now, I have two that I cannot do, and one I cannot parse.
Have you finished yours?
I meant to ask you how Clova and Millie are getting on now?
A truce maybe?
26528 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd April 2019, 12:38
Hello, Elle.
My weather is fine.
Just light rain now, and it is brightening.
Yes, finished my puzzle.
It was a good test today, I think.
1d, and 20d, were unknown to me.
And 13a is a new word for me.
I have an answer for 17d, but have not checked it.
But it sounds familiar.
I have not seen Millie for a while.
She stays out of the way when Clova is around!
26529 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd April 2019, 14:03
Good afternoon, Rusty!
It is a shame that your son's cat and the dog did not make friends.......our cat and dog fortunately get on extremely well.
We had as many as four cats, at one stage, living with our previous dog!
One cat and the dog used to sleep together in the dog basket!
I did not know "egurgitate" either...........although I am familiar with "REgurgitate"!
17d is "Avebury"...... see
I am just down to one clue now......
23a: I think the answer must be "unconditional" as that fits with the crossers?
But I cannot parse it?
Nor can I see the parsing for 21a...
I have "jettison" = "ditch" def) for that, but where do "moles" fit in?
My brain has gone into meltdown!
26530 of 30765  -   Report This Post