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30th March 2019, 10:16
Good morning, Rosalind,
I got 21/2 (two and a half).
The half was Air France in no 5, I got the British airline wrong.
I normally get 3 or 4 correct, so you are ahead of me!

Update, Elle!
The World Cross Country Running Championships are on BBC Red Button this morning.
It is a tough course, in Aarhus, Denmark.
26471 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th March 2019, 10:52
A Very Good morning to you, Rusty!
I am only just home!
I went to the Crematorium straight after my morning walk.
It is extremely warm here.....the temperature has just reached 19C!....... and the sun is shining.......
Well done on solving two Latin clues!
I shall be a while before I even look at the crosswords, let alone manage to "solve" them!
I have two loads of washing to sort out first least it is a good drying day.
Thank you for the tip off about the Cross Country Running...if I have time , I shall certainly watch.
Now for a coffee...….. please will you pass me a piece of apple pie?
26472 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th March 2019, 12:40
Hello, Elle!
The apple pie is finished!
My weather has brightened.
I was pleased solving two Latin clues!
I do not think I'll get any more.
I am looking forward to the golf later today.
26473 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th March 2019, 13:51
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I have finished the Times Cryptic crossword, barring two parses that are puzzling me.....
The Latin puzzle is another kettle of fish entirely!
I have only done a few and am really struggling!
And even with those, I had to resort to the Latin dictionary and the verb tables.
Time to put it aside and go for a walk....
The sun is shining , the sky is blue.....
I shall go and make the most of it!
26474 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th March 2019, 14:12
Hello, Elle!
I may be able to help you with your Times parse, but I will be no help whatsoever with the Latin puzzle!
I have never noticed any queries on the forum about it.
Maybe very few do it?
I agree, a fine day for a walk!
26475 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th March 2019, 16:41
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, a beautiful day!
And very warm!
Folk are even out without a coat!
Can it be that Summer is here?
It was good to be out......
How about you?
Have you been for a walk?
Or has the golf started?
I shall have one last "go" at the parsing in the Times Cryptic....before I ask for help...…!
26476 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th March 2019, 17:40
What we did on our holidays
by Chris and Alison
We hadn't visited our friends since they moved from Pitlochry, so we were pleased to find that Murthly, where they've moved to, isn't a suburb of Perth; instead it's a village barely 5 miles from the Loch, so there was no question of us not visiting. We got there about 9 o'clock on Thursday morning. The Visitor Centre didn't open until 10.30, but they had generously left the gate and the door to the upper hide open, so we could start watching. We had good views of the birds. The highlights were them exchanging a fish, and one of them chasing off a buzzard.
About 10 o'clock a ranger fixed up 2 telescopes for public use. When we visited the lower hide we found 5 more. An odd experience here - we could watch the birds out of the window, then turn round and see the same scene on the video feed!
We went in and paid (I also made a donation), and chatted to one of the rangers. Something to look out for is the ongoing evolution of the nest. Currently there's a depression for the eggs. When they hatch, the parents make a kiddie-proof palisade of twigs around the side of the nest. Once the young have fledged, they lay these twigs down to make a flat surface.
(The rest of the break was great too. After the ospreys we walked into Dunkeld for lunch, then did the "Big Trees" walk along the Tay. On Wednesday we had been to Cluny House Garden - lovely place, with loads in flower, including lots of rhododendrons already! Yesterday we went up Ben Vrackie. 32 Whooper Swans on a lochan, and the limestone cliffs plastered with Saxifraga oppositifolia.
26477 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th March 2019, 17:42
Hello, Elle!
It is not quite Summer here, but getting there!
I was out for a stroll at dinnertime but have been watching the golf.
They play in the morning, and then in the afternoon.
It is not quite afternoon in Texas, yet.
I hope I'm able to help if needed, with your parsing.
There are a couple I am not overly excited about, too!
26478 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th March 2019, 18:52
Hi, Rusty!
I think I am being a tad optimistic in hoping for Summer......
The local forecast says it will be very cold again next week.
But this is nice while it lasts.
Now, I think I have finally got the last two parses..... just a bit unsure of 16d so will run it by you.....
Vehicle a man used to carry books - or book? (9)
motorbike = vehicle (def)
Mike - man
OT - books
or b - or b (ook)
Does this seem ok to you?
How about your own potentially dodgy ones?
I am glad you are enjoying the golf!

Hello, Chris!
I am glad that you and Alison have had a good week away.
It sounds as though you thought your visit to Dunkeld was well worthwhile.
It is good to get back a personal report!
26479 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th March 2019, 19:12
Good evening, Elle!
I had a look ahead to next week's weather and there is a chance of snow here on Wednesday or Thursday!
I hoped we had left that behind!
Can't see it being much though.
My parse for "motorbike" is the same as yours!
Now, mine!
20d, I can't see how "the writer's" is "I'm"?
28, I can't see how "singer's" is "treble"
5d, I can't see how "making banners" is "hit the headlines".
4d, is no homothingy to me.
What d'ye reckon?
26480 of 30765  -   Report This Post